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This windy early morning with heavy clouds. Shaken trees such as toys, despite its size. Clouds glide forming numerous abstract images. Wind intense noise silences any other sound. It's a sunrise, very different than usual. The atmosphere seems to be angry wild, vindictive. Everything culminates with heavy rain thrown into the soil. Then clouds pass wind dissipates, back the silence. Waterlogged ground covered with leaves single proof. As usual, the light from outside shines in Harry's eyes. He's always telling himself to close the curtains but he keeps forgetting to. Maybe once he finds his soulmate they could close the curtains before going to bed. Harry makes the conscious effort to still back the groans hanging at the back of his throat, but it's laborious when they're inching their way forward. Harry slowly plants his feet to the floor and lifts himself up off the mattress. He rose his hand and rubbed the nape of his neck and scratches the back of his head.

He was tired; weary with the burden of long-closed eyes and slumber, and the prior day's exhaustion. After waking up worn from heavy dreaming with all his dreams exhausted before dawn his brows wrinkled, holding himself in the early morning glow. The first thought that came to Harry's mind was coffee. A drink made from the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub. A drink that could turn on Harry's sleepiness into angst, it can show him how the heart beats fast through the mixture of warmth and anger. Keep him alive and well and aware of his existence. Harry sluggishly walked out of his room and to his kitchen. The kitchen was a mess to see, piles of dishes in the sink that still hasn't been washed, soup cans spread about on the counter and boxes on the floor next to the pantry. Harry did not have enough time to clean it up he just wanted his coffee and go to the gym.

A knock sounded at the front of the house and the front door opened. "Harry!" It was Gemma. She strolled into the kitchen before she jumped back and covered her eyes, "Bloody hell why are you in your briefs?"

"This is my house I can do whatever I want. Why are you here?" Harry shook his head.

"I came here because I wanted to tell you sorry, I know how sensitive you are when people get into your business and touch your things." Harry absolutely despises when people get into that inner circle.

"Okay great, apology accepted. Now can you please leave I need to head out to get some coffee and go to the gym because I can't stand seeing my kitchen like that at the moment." Harry rushed to his room only to find his trousers lying on the floor next to his mattress. Gemma followed behind him.

"What? That's it? Harry, we need to talk."

"No, no we don't because I have a lot on my mind and I just woke up, so please another time." Harry gestured his hands without looking back at Gemma. He pulled his trousers up to his waist and fixed the fly.

"You've gone insane; obsessed with your mate. 'I have a soulmate, I need to find him.' Tired of that." Gemma mocked as she followed Harry out of his bedroom.

"Well, you know what? I'm tired of you checking up on me every day when I'm clearly doing perfectly fine, I just got a lot on my mind." Harry slipped on his coat and slipped on the shoes he wore yesterday.

"I can help you figure everything out." Gemma offered.

"No thanks, I don't want your help."

"Harry, yes you do."

"Gemma, just go away and leave me alone. Please." Harry looked back at Gemma after grabbing his keys. Harry didn't really want to be alone. He was tired of being alone. Harry didn't mean it when he said he was getting bored of Gemma coming over every day; he appreciated it. Harry waited for a few seconds for Gemma to walk out of the front door first while Harry followed behind her. Gemma got into her car but Harry was having trouble with his keys only because of the extremely cold weather. The icy driveway nearly lifts him off his feet. "Shit." His keys weren't working and he knew Gemma had already left. For attempt number two his keys unlocked the door to the black Range Rover. Harry pulled himself into the driver's seat and turned the vehicle on only to put the heat on. Harry sat back sighing as long fingers and bruised knuckles ran through his hair. Stress begins to kick in as Harry pressed the palms of his hands against the steering wheel, pulling the vehicle onto the road.

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