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The air was still as the train shifted from side to side, causing Claire to hit her head against the hard metal wall. Her eyes fluttered open and then squeezed shut again to surpress the pain.

She got on her feet and looked around her. Almost everybody on the first coach was asleep. Her brothers had hijacked a train to Florida and were planning on walking the rest of the distance. It was something the wolves did very well. They were better at running on foot.

She stealthily, but hurriedly crossed over people's legs to get to the front of the coach. She opened the coach door and was hit by a breeze that wasn't present indoors.

Naylor and Kevin were standing by the entrance to the driver's coach, looking tired and flustered. 

She looked through the window and saw a flash of distinguishable red hair.

"So Toby can drive a train?", she asked with a hint of admiration for how resourceful they always were. They immediately turned to her, since they hadn't noticed she was standing there before. Naylor sighed in relief. He was more on edge than Kevin who reached down for his booze flask and took a swig.

"Yes. Apparently, he can", Kevin replied her. He looked afar off and Claire followed his gaze. There was a beautiful landscape of hills covered by evergreen trees. She sighed at the beauty.

"Did you sleep well?", Naylor asked her with concern etched all over his features.


"Are you sure", Kevin cut in. "No nightmares of horrid visions about mum?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, filled with anger. She was about to lunge herself at him when Naylor intervened.

"Don't start, you two", he warned them. One of Claire's many tantrums was the last thing they needed. Naylor moved closer to Claire.

"I'll keep telling you, Claire. It's okay to be vulnerable. We all are. Even though Kevin makes fun of you, he misses them too... "

"You don't know that", Kevin argued.

"Can we all just quit playing tough!", Naylor barked. His green eyes grew wide with frustration. Claire and Kevin were taken aback. Naylor was only aggressive when there was an enemy. The train began to slow down. Naylor went over to the left side of the train.

The view was magnificent. You could almost draw the perimeter around the beautiful town. As they got closer, they could see less. Everything around the town was bare so there was a clear demarcation between lands. Anyone entering into the town would know it. 

Kevin pulled the driver's door open. "Why are we stopping?", he asked.

Toby turned towards him, "This is as far as the train goes, Kev", he informed him. "We have to walk the rest of the distance. Or at least run before the cops catch up with us".

He closed the door and faced Naylor. "We're getting off", he announced.

"I'll alert the rest!", Naylor told them. He ducked into the first coach. His exit was swiftly followed by shouts of glee and hurried movement. The train came to a final stop and Claire jumped off as soon as it did.

She let out an exasperated groan and stretched her arms. The train doors flew open and people sauntered out excitedly. Naylor emerged from the crowd and handed Kevin a GPS.

"You're in charge of accommodations so you're going to lead the front", he told Kevin. Kevin pursed his lips as he estimated the number of people in the crowd. After what happened that night, many werewolves died. There only remained about a hundred of them, including children. "I'll be at the back, guarding the crate and watching for trouble", he said, his voice deeper than before. He picked up a khaki rucksack and jogged away.

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