Chapter 17: Stranger

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"WHAT!? Cas loves dean!?!? When the hell did this happen? Why did this happen!? Like WHAT?!" I start yelling and freaking out. Cestielo walks up to me and puts his pointer finger to my lips "shhh, they'll hear you" he scowls at me. I just start walking around the room with my hands threw my hair. "I can't believe, just this doesn't even make any sense! Why would my uncle, why!?" I say half to myself but also half out loud.

Ces walks up to me with his finger in his lips. "Shhhh" he whispers to me. "Okay, the reason I needed to be alone isn't just because of that. I have something else to tell you." He says and I nod. "What?" I say a little nervous. "You can't freak out okay!" He says and I nod. "Well I uh, i lost my grace." He says. "You WHAT!" I scream. "Why the FUCK would you do that!?" I start screaming.

He puts his hand on my mouth and whispers in my ear. "You need to shut up before they hear you!!" He hisses in my ear, he's actually starting to scare me. "Okay! I'm sorry I just want to know why!" I say and he backs up from me. "You." He says, then just stares at me for a minute before continuing. "I mean, I'm not supposed to have feelings, I'm an angel. But I started to have feelings, love, for you. I knew I couldn't be a true servant to heaven if I were having feelings."

"But, what about Castiel then? I mean he loves dean right?" I ask and Cestielo nods. "Then he is not a true servant to God, he is an abomination." He says and I nod trying to understand everything. "Eh! Kiddies! Come down here for lunch!" I hear a voice from downstairs. "I've never heard that voice before, or any of them say 'kiddies' should we go?" I whisper to Ces. He shrugs his shoulders and walks towards the door in front of me.

I walk behind him as we walk downstairs. We get to the bottom of the stairs and there's a man with dark brown hair and a black suit, he's short too, shorter then uncle dean. I begin to ask who he is when Ces freaks out and pushes me into the other room. "What the fuck are you doing!?" I hiss at him. "That is a demon! I don't want you hurt!" He hisses back right as dad walks into the room with the demon.

"Please calm down, I noticed Ces realized he's a demon. But just trust me, he's here to help. He's kinda like out friend." Dad says and the man chuckles. "Moose and I here have a love hate relationship." The man says. "I'm Crowley, nice to meet you Zoe. I'll need a nickname for you too, maybe, little moose?" I laugh and I go to shake his hand but Ces pulls me back. "I'll be fine babe!" I whisper and he cautiously lets go.

"Well nice to meet you Mr. Crowley." I say shaking his hand. "Mr. Crowley? I like that! Now, back to business. Could everyone else leave the room?" He says that and Ces starts to get mad and refuse. "She will NOT be alone with you!" He hisses at Crowley. "Fine! Bring squirrel in, he can stay." Dad nods and him and Ces walk out. Uncle dean walks in a couple seconds later and sits down in the chair and watches.

"Now, this may hurt a bit..." He says as he puts his fingers to my forehead. Everything is dark and everything seemed to be burning. "Calm done small moose!" I hear Crowley say to my left. I feel dizzy and just want to throw up, I'm still burning and I can't speak. "Relax small one! You'll be fine, were in hell in 2000." He says. I try to think but all I can think of in blaaaahhhhh..... I try to speak but all I hear come out is "duuuhhhh."

"Don't try speaking for a while, you'll fail... As I was saying, we are in hell in the year 2000 because this is when your fate was decided by the demons. Look." He points towards the other end of the room where there are 3 men, or demons.

"So? Did you hear!?" The first man with red hair asks. "Hear what!?" The second man with a hat on says. "Well duh! The Winchester baby!!" The red haired man says excitedly. "Ahh yes, Sam Winchesters daughter. What are her plans?" The hat man asks. This time the third man speaks, he's wearing a black cloak and seems to want to be covered up. "She will not be raised as a Winchester. If she is she will stop the fate that we have made for her."

My fate!? What!? "Yes, who will she go to?" Red haired man says. "Some stupid person that accidentally kills their child, we'll get that far soon." The mysterious man says. "Oh bullocks!" Crowley says and suddenly I feel cool again and I'm back to normal. "What was that!?" I half yell. "Why did we leave? What's my fate!? What is going on!?" I just stare at him with anger and with fear.

"Zoe darling, your fate, well your fate is to become evil, to change into a demon." He says I fall to the ground in shock. "No." I say "this can't be happening!" I yell and Crowley walks out as dad walks in. "It's all right, we won't let this happen, Crowley won't let it happen. I promise you that you will stay the way you are, my beautiful, perfect, human daughter." Dad says

Even though he seems to speak as he believes his words I don't. I don't believe that he can save me or that he can change what will happen. Maybe I want to be evil, maybe I want to do as my fate says. But at the same time, maybe I want to stay good and I want to go against my fate for the ones I love. Maybe I need help to decide, from Brandy.

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