Chapter 14: Will The Fight Ever End?!

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"Daddy!! Im here! I'm right behind you!" I yell. "Uncle dean!!!" Still nothing. I groan loudly and dad actually turns around in my direction. He just shakes it of and looks back to my body. What was that?  I wonder. "What's happening to me?!" I scream. I walk up towards dad as him and uncle dean slowly sit back down.

"Cas, please help my little girl!" Dad says "please put the help of God to her! I just got her, I can't lose her!" This is pissing me off! "I'm right fuckimg here!!!" I scream. Dad glances in my direction. "Yesh that's right!!! You see me!! Now save your daughter!!" I scream and I walk over to him and rock his chair back and fourth and he flys out of the chair instantly.

Uncle dean looks over at us "do you think its her?" He asks "only one way to find out." Dad says as he leaves "where the hell ya goin?! Huh?! Just going to leave your daughter dying in the hospital?!" I scream after him but I let him go as I sit down next to my body.


Dad came back like twenty minutes later with a bag. He reaches into the bag, "I know you're here, I just don't know exactly who or what you are." He says as he pulls out a (get this!!!) A freakin Quiji board! Wow dad! I think as he sits down on the floor.

"Who are you?" He asks. I sigh, "I love you dad but jeesh!" I say as I sit in front if him. I grab the other end of the 'eyepiece' and move to the Z. I begin spelling out my name Z O E and he looks confused for a minute as I continue spelling R O S E. "My daughter?" He asks "rose is that you?!" He asks as I nod, then remember he can't see me.

I move the piece over to 'yes' and he takes his hand away and sighs. Suddenly I hear fast beeping as my body starts to have a seizure. Dad screams for a nurse as uncle dean shoves the board back into the bag I run over to my body. What's going on?! I try to hold myself down but I just continue to shake.

"HELP!!" I scream. As I see nurses run into the room and run around the room to inject me with something, I feel strange, more weird then I've ever felt before. Everything gets bright, I feel weak, I begin to lose the feeling in my legs and I fall over. This is it, I'm done. My fight is over!! I think. Goodbye everyone, my life is over! I thought I said out loud, but I do feel to weak to speak.

I hear scream in and crying. Then I see my baby brother Zack appear in front of me as I get all feelings back. "Hey Zoe!!! I missed you so much!!" He says running into my direction. "Zackary!?" I'm so happy to see him notices me but also confused. He runs straight threw me and goes to a younger version of me. Oh, this again! Okay, door door door... I look around the room,

I remember this, this was his 4th birthday party. "Zoe!! I love you so much sissy!!! I can't wait to see my bouncy house!" Zack says super enthusiasticly. Other me laughs and hugs Zack. "I love you too baby brother!! I would do anything for you!" Yeah, except safe his life I think, but just ignore it. Need to find a door I walk away from other me and Zack as I look for a door, closet

I open the closet door but its just a closet. Well okay then! I go towards the bedroom door and everything gets brig again and my ears start to ring. I hear voices in my head, many of themm but one voice sticks out more then the rest, Jonah. He's sobbing my name, "Zoe!! Please be okay! I love you and I can't live without you!" He's saying

Another voice sticks out to me. I don't knoe who it is but I recognize it. "Don't worry, she will be okay, I promise" the voice says. "How can you be sure!" Jonah scream. "Because I am am Angel." The man says. "Cestialo!! Help me!!"" I scream as loud as I can. I feel weak again amd dizzy. But the ligt doesn't come, instead its dark super dark.

I finally realize that the darkness is my eyelids, I slowly open them. I look around the room and see everyone. Jonah,dad, uncle dean, Cas, Ces, bobby, a couple doctors and nurses. A nurse walks over to me first "we would like you to tell us how tour feeling." She says. I just look up at her confused. "Jane, you were stabbed, we need to ,make sure you are not suffering from external injures."

Jane? "Uh, I'm fine. I don't hurt, I mean, I'm a little soar, here." I say pointint at my left side. She nods and touches a spot, "here?" She asks and I nod. "Okay, that's just your stitches, be carefuul with them I'll leave you eo your family." The nurse says and leaves. The instant she leaves everyone begins talking to me all at once.

"I was so worried about you!!" Or "we all got here from Cas and Ces!! They brought us here!" Or "I love you so much!!" Everyone was just so happy and screaming, I just needed answers. "Shut up!!!" I scream and everyone looks at me. It all silent for a while before i finally decide to speak.

"First off,Ces, where the hell have you been?" I ask looking at him. He looks back at me and for a moment we just stare at each other before he speaks. "Well, I uh. Well I was talking too one day and in saw pain in your eyes, an I mean, there were many things causing that pain, but the one where I knew I could help. I did." He says

"What?" I say looking at him confused. "Zoe, I went to your brher and I, I saved him." He says. I can barely even believe he just said that. My baby brother back to being alive?! "Ces, I, i, thank you!" I say and he just nods telling me to contiue talking. "Second, what the hell even happened to me?!" I say

Dad explains all of how I saved him amd the either girl and got stabbed manyntimes and how Ces healed my wounds. He even explained how he got the quiji board and how we talked, am I explained to him that i do remember that. You know, life may have its ups and downs, but when you have people that care, life can be pretty good!

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