Chapter 13: Verge Of Death

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"Dad! Let's go!" I yell. We found the worm and we have tried killing it plenty of times, but nothing is working, Cas is with dean so he cant help. We've called dean but he didn't answer. So now dad and I are running around a big warehouse trying to find where the worm is now. "Dad watch out!!!" I scream as I see Charlie behind him. She was the last one with the worm in her ear

Dad reaches for his gun but she starts to cry and graps his arm, "please, i don't have it anymore, it crawled out, I promise." Dad nods and puts his gun back but doesn't take his hand off it. "Look, Sam, I know who has the worm, its Lily!" She yells and just as she says it lily walks up. "Are you talking about me?" She asks tilting her head to the side.

As she speaks I see her grin and reach in her pocket and pulls a knife out. Nobody else seems to notice so I lunged towards the knife and she stabs at me. I feel a sharp pain in my side but I fight anyway, I grab the knife from her and stab her multiple times in the chest before I see a slimy green thing squirm out of her ear. I hear dad scream my name and I feel dizzy and I pass out


As I slowly see a bright light, I walk towards it, I know they say to walk away from the light but I don't care, I just want to give up. As I'm halfway threw I suddenly see color. Its a playground, I see a little girl playing with her mom, this is me, I remember this, I was 6 I realize, I watch younger me run up to my "mom" and hug her.

"I love you forever and ever mommy!" I yell "I can just scream to the world that your my mommy!!" No! Stop, she's not my mom! No thats not true! No! "Zoe, what are you doing?" I hear a voice behind me I know that voice! I slowly turn around and I fall to my knees "daddy!" I say as I child back my tears its the man that I knew as dad most of my life before he got into an accident and died

"Zoe my little one, you need to fight this!" He says but I shake my head "I don't understand." I reply. "Baby girl, I knew all along what your mother did, that your not really ours I threatened to tell the police, that's when she hired that simi truck to hit me and kill me,"

"What, what are you talking about?" I ask "Zoe, please don't think bad of me when I tell you this story, you must understand that you became my whole world." I nod and he continues. "I uses to have a job, where I had to be gone for a couple days at a time. One day something with black eyes greets me and tell me that my daughter had been killed. He said my wife..."

He stops and seems to be dreading his own words but he speaks anyway. "He said my wife had left my one year old daughter alone to long in the bathtub and she drowned. I came home angry with her, but I walked into the house and I hear a child crying." He pauses again.

"And I see you, I thought you were Zoe, I thought that for seven years, once she told me, I just had to report it, I loved you and i still do, but I wanted you to be with your right family." He finally finish and covers his face with his hands. "Its okay daddy! You did what you thought was best for me!" I say as I walk towards him and pull him into a hug.

"How do I fight daddy?" I whisper in his ear. "You have to take doors, you need to find the one that awakes you, you will be going threw many memories before you get to reality, but fight baby girl, fight" as he finishes speaking he dissapears and I'm left alone."doors," I whisper to myself looking around.

There's nothing, its just a playground, no doors. There's a bathroom, does that count? I shrug and all to the bathroom, I open the door and walk through it. Everything is bright again and white. Suddenly I'm in a bedroom, my bedroom. I look around for me, and there I am, playing with legos.

"Zoe, Zack and daddy are leaving!" I hear my mother yell as little me gets up. What's that shirt? Daddys baby girl? I had that shirt when I was.... oh no, I know this day, I need to stop them from leaving. "Stop!" I scream grabbing me, my hand goes right threw

"No! Don't get in that car!" I scream even louder follow her. Zack was my baby brother, he died when I was 7, he was only 2. Him and dead left to Meijer when someone brought a gun to the store and shot him in the back of the head. I run quickly downstairs and im hugging Zack

" I love you so much zack!! I'll see you when you get home!" I said as I moved to dad. "I love you too Zoe!" He said. I begin to cry, the last thing my brother ever said to me.

I hugged dad and they both left. I quickly run out the door and everything his bright again. "God damnit!!" I scream as i appear into another memory

"Shit shit shit!!! Take me back!!!" I scream and don't even notice where I am now "take me back god!!!!! Let me save my brother!!!!" I fall down to the ground in tears. "Zoe, baby girl, are you okay?" I hear someone say. I look up and its my mother. I look around and realize where I am. I'm in my brothers room, this was right after he died.

I look around the room again and younger me with my head in my hands crying. "Zoe sweatie, Zack is in a better place now. Hes in heaven now." She says but little me just stands eo and gets in her face "that's bullshit mother!! He does not go to a better place!! He deserve to be here with us!" I screamed

Mom stood there dumbstruck before she slaps my face "don't you ever talk to your mother that way!! Now go to your room!!" I did and I followed. Let's look for another door I decide. I pick the pantry in the hallway. Suddenly everything is bright again but instead of entering another memory I see Sam my father and dean my uncle leaning over a body

"Zoe don't leave!" Dad says am I really dying?!

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