Chapter: Only

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Once upon a time, Cinderella turned into a pumpkin, and then was cooked by the Candy Witch into a delicious pumpkin pie which was then eaten by Hansel and Gretel, turning them into cannibals. They were hunted by the mighty King Arthur for being cannibals, so the brother and sister fled into the woods. Fearing the woods and it's many trees the king had to rely on an outlaw named Robin Hood. On his expedition with his merry men, Robin Hood came across a girl with a red hood and picnic basket. They approached her. Suddenly she turned into a monstrous wolf and chased them off. Still in wolf form the once girl in a red hood, came across and blew down a house of straw and a house of sticks. Upon arrival of a third house made of brick, red hood shot it with a bazooka, curtesy of Stark Industries. The she-wolf then proceeded to eat the inhabitants. The only survivor was a little ginger bread boy who escaped the hungry wolf and ran away into the woods. There he was found by the cannibalistic siblings and eaten. But then a sword was thrust through the brother and sister, killing them. 'Twas a prince on his way to kiss a maiden in a glass coffin cause he was creepy like that. But he was whisked away to King Arthur's castle for celebration. They ate and drank and the prince was given a delicious prize Apple by a hag which once he had taken a bite sent him into eternal slumber never to awaken unless kissed by his true love. But his mother was dead so he was kinda stuck. The hag ran into the woods to escape. King Arthur sent his cousin thrice removed to peruse and catch her. But this prince got lost and ended up stumbling into a sleeping city. He entered and there appeared to him three fat fairies who really needed to lay off the tea and cakes; One of pink or red, one of green, and one of blue. Fearing them to be in league with the hag, he slew all three. 'The hag must be here if her accomplices were' thought the prince. This prince searched and searched the castle but did not find her. Instead up in a tower all decked out laid a sleeping beauty. He tried to wake her up and talk to her but she only seemed to want to listen to him. He could tell because he was so smart. So the prince talked and talked and talked and had one of the best therapy sessions of his life! Finally having enough the sleeping beauty awoke. Then a dragon crashed in eating the so called prince. The dragon transformed into the evil fairy called Maleficent. The sleeping beauty then transformed into a young queen who was very beautiful. (She was the hag if it isn't clear). And the two lived happily ever after as best friends terrorizing the community.


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