15- That Night <3

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The film finished. He moved instantly. He started by stroking my hair softly and continued from there. He stroked my hair tenderly behind my ear and kissed my neck. I shivered with pleasure. You Like that do you? He asked to my thoughts as his mouth tipped up at the sides in a smile. I didn’t think or speak a reply just smiled and let him continue while I fingered the hem of his top gently. As he continued I started to tug his top off and moan at the slightest touches. So there was a slight noise he went over and pressed play on my IPod which was still on the docking station in the kitchen. He then came back over and lay on me. It was so hard to keep control. His toned body lay on me while I was still fully clothed. He gently put his hands up his hoodie that I had pulled on earlier then tugged it off.  The feeling of his touch made me shudder. He lent down so now his bare torso was brushing against my thin top and kissed me. I kissed back and slowly put my hands behind his neck. I don't know how long we stay like that for. He lightly pushed his pelvis against mine. FUCK! I though as his erect penis brushed my leg under his trousers. I was going to lose control soon and I didn't know how he'd react when I did. I gently started to whine and moan while pushing him off me pleading that he'd understand. He stopped and say on my legs, the weight not being felt thank god that Vaman didn't feel pressure I thought. Jamie looked down with concerned eyes “You ok?” He asked. “I don't want to rush things; I don't want to get hurt, not again.” I whimpered as I turned away.  “Baby” he murmured using his finger tips to gently turn my head back to face his. “You don't need to be scared well go as far as YOU feel comfortable Ok?” I nodded and he lent down and kissed me again. I couldn’t help but let the butterflies flow through my body. He stopped suddenly. I opened my eyes. He stood up. I looked at him, puzzled. Follow me his thoughts drifted into my head as he walked towards the hallway. I padded after him.  He took my hand and led me up the stairs.

Once on the landing he led me through a door that led to a hallway. He shut the door behind me. He kissed my neck while standing behind me. I lent my head back against his chest and moaned softly. Step forwards and walk up the stairs ok babe?? his thoughts drifted in again. Mind speak seemed much easier when you’re relaxed. I followed his command and padded across the floor. I felt slightly dazed. That’s probably the hormones I thought to myself as I reached the stairs. Before I stepped on the first step Jamie was behind me. His hands snaked up the back of my top. His hands soft smooth and gentle on my skin coursing me to shiver against him. “Baby” I murmured “Yes Angel” He whispered against my neck. A light moan slipped through my lips. I was losing myself too easily.  He released my body signalling me to walk up the steps so I did so. At the top he lightly pushed me into the wall pushing his hips into me. Oh god. I thought. Angel, are you ok? His thoughts crossed my mind with ease. Depends what your definition of ok is. I thought with a smile. He laughed and planted a kiss on my forehead and then dragged me up to the door ahead. 

When we got into the room he gently pushed me back onto the bed. You could see his erect penis pushing against his trousers. I squirmed slightly. He straddled my waist. He slid my top up. Oh God I was losing all control. He trailed kisses up to where my top lay then tugged it off over my head.  I moaned a little as he bent down laying on me places sweet kisses on my neck. I tugged at his top until he pulled it off for me. He kissed my neck again I shivered. “You ok” he asked, his lips brushing my ear as he moved to nibble it.  I whined a little and said “Never been better.” After kissing my neck causing me to moan rapidly he started to fumble with the clasp at the back of my bra. I sat up into him so he could undo it. After a long struggle he chucked it to the floor.  He gently pushed my shoulders so I lay back down. He kissed me passionately for ages. After a while he pulled off my shorts. I didn’t protest, I couldn’t cold back much longer. He let me pull his off in response, he pushed against me and I moaned rather loudly. He slipped my girl boxers off without issue. He stroked me gently. “OH GOD” I pretty much shouted. “You like that then aye” He said planting a kill gently on my stomach. After teasing rapidly for a while I decided I couldn’t hold back. Using my unnatural strength I knocked him off me and onto the bed. I tugged at his boxers harshly. Not caring if it hurt him. I couldn’t hold back any more.

Once he lay there with nothing on. I started kissing him all over. It drove him crazy. He moaned and cried out my name. After a while I started to lick and kiss the tip of his penis.  Then I let him in little by little. More moans and grunts. I passed him the condom, not stopping what I was doing. Knowing for him to put it on I’d have to stop. He’d have to force me to stop. He asked “Are you sure?” I moaned out a reply that meant yes. “Stop then.” He said, I didn’t listen. “Babe, you need to stop so I can put this on.” I still didn’t stop. He shook me lightly. After no response he shoved me back a little and slipped the condom on. he started to kiss my neck and stroke my inner thighs. “YOU BASTARD!” I cried out in a moan. He laughed softly and then very softly and carefully inserted himself into me. We both moaned out in pleasure has he started thrusting in and out...

Once finished we both flopped down on the bed breathing heavily. “Wow!” I breathed.  He smiled and nibbled my ear lightly. I yawned and looked at the time. It was about 1 am. I turned to him “Baby? Can I sleep in here tonight?” He smiled and answered “Ahh angel thought you’d never asked” And with that said he got up and chucked me one of his tops. I slipped it on. It was more of a dress than a top on me. He laughed “Aww your so small” while planting a light kiss on my head. He laid back down and I snuggled into his chest and started to drift off to dream land. “Sweet dreams Princess” he murmured into my hair. This is perfect I thought then drifted off to sleep.


Authors notes: sorry I haven't updated this in ages but I've been updating my new story and revising for all my exams haha anyways sorry its so short and not that great I didn't know how sexual and detailed to make it please tell me what you think thanks, don't forget to vote fan comment and share xx until next time my little book worms

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