into- Introducing Me

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My name is Ellie most people call me Ell. I am a 16 year old girl. I like music- Falling in Reverse, Fall out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Greenday ECT it differs depending on my mood. I have few friends but the ones I have ill treasure for life. I draw a lot and write feelings down in the form of letters or just rants. I’m a small brunette with muddy green eyes which change colour depending on my mood. I’m around 5 ft 4 and am pretty much straight up and down with little figure apart from my arse and tiny boobs. I don’t help myself with the way I dress either.

I've been through so much in life I'm sure I could fill many novels. I'm just finishing my last year of High/secondary school. There are a few main things I'd like to tell you all before I get into my life as it is now. I am a sufferer of depression, I have self harmed in the past, I've been bullied from an extremely young age and I've also attempted suicide multiple times (I'm still living though). But one thing I have done is face things alone for many years, I am alone....or so I thought.

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