2- Puzzled

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The rest of the day dragged by slowly.

I was sitting on the bus on the way back to my house when my phone buzzed loudly in my pocket. I pulled it out.  The screen read ‘1 message from JJ’. I smiled at this because I wanted him to know I still cared even if he was with my best mate. JJ aka James is a tall guy with strong facial features and eyes that could melt an ice-cream in a matter of seconds. He had abs and the perfect smile and we’d been close for a while, we only ever argued once and that was only because of a misunderstanding. We sorted that easily. We then grew close and I then came up with the Nickname JJ for him as Jade called him Jamesie and jade was known as Jadie. Although I had a crush on James I didn’t care that he was going out with Jade because he was a great guy and he wouldn’t hurt her. I trust him. I opened the message and gasped at what I read “I saw him too...he’s like me.” I forgot to breath. I pushed the button for the bus to stop and jumped off. I was near his. I could either walk around or go to his. Option A.

I replied w-what?!?

His reply came instantly we’re immortal

I was shaking with fear I couldn’t reply I just walked round aimlessly for hours. Then I hopped onto a bus and went home.


When I got home I wrote in my book for everything

What are you? I can’t figure that out. You snuck up on me and said you’d been watching me and thought you’d keep me company? Like why I was fine alone. I don’t get this immortals...they don’t exist they only exist in books

My mind reeled. I was shaking with emotions anger, love, lust and confusion. I ran down stairs and opened a packet of biscuits then trailed off upstairs.

I still hadn’t replied to JJ. I couldn’t. I was afraid. That’s when my phone buzzed again. I jumped a mile.

After catching my breath and stopping the panic I picked up my phone. It was JJ. I opened the message you’re one of us. Tears slid down my face. I shoved everything in my backpack and took off. No-one would notice I’m gone. My family were used to my coming and going and disappearing for days weeks and months. My reply was I’ll be over in 10. I rushed to the bus stop and up to his house. Hands shaking i nocked on the door

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