9- Alone with him

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We sat on the grass in the park the sun setting lightly on the horizon. I had his jacket on as I was only in a sundress (blonde moment). He seemed happy just sitting there looking at me secretly. I smiled. ‘I see you looking at me’ I thought despite us being alone. He laughed. “Can’t help it” he said aloud. His arm slipped round my waist. Butterfly elephants returned. I shuddered. “Ok, princess?” he murmured. I couldn’t speak I was so nervous so I just nodded. He pulled me closer as I shivered. Shall we go back to yours?” He asked. “It's not much of a home.” I confessed. He nodded knowing I didn’t want to talk about it. This is what I love about Jamie; he doesn’t push you into explaining yourself he just waits for you to be read. I kissed his cheek softly. “Thanks” I murmured.  He pulled me close and we watched the sun set.


We lay amongst the grass staring at the starts. My head resting on his chest. It rose and fell softly. It was perfect. I didn’t want to go home though. “Trying to tell you how much I love you is like counting the stars...you can try but it’s impossible.” James words broke the still silence. “Cheesy” I laughed. “Me it’s late what do you expect” He said rolling onto his side facing me. “I don’t want to go home” I whimpered knowing that where he wanted to head. He nodded then said “But baby girl you can’t stay out all night even for us it’s not safe” I looked into his eyes. “I know but homes not really safe either” He kissed me “I know angel” he said softly as my lips grazed mine softly. I slid my phone from my pocket. Not one text to see where I was from my family but one from Jadie it read: Baby, even if your parents don’t give two fucks about you I do. Stay safe honey love you xxxx. Typical jade despite the age gap she always took the mother role when it came to my safety. I replied saying I’m with Jamie not like much can happen xx. I then slid my phone back into my bag pocket and curled up and yawned suddenly aware how tired I was.


“Angel?” Jamie. “Hmm” I groaned softly. “Come on, let’s get you home” I recoiled ignoring his mention of the word ‘home’.  He picked me up bride style and said “We’re going back to yours weather you like it or not.” I coiled against his chest for warmth. He bent and kissed my forehead. “Climb onto my back and hold tight don’t let go ok?” I did what he said and the next thing I knew we were in the air. My hair whipped across my face. My eyes were squeezed shut and I was pretty sure I was cutting his airways off. “Open your eyes boo nothing’s going to happen you’ve got me” he whispered over the breeze.


We flew around for another hour or so then snuck into my bedroom through the window. “Stay” I said gripping Jamie’s wrist as he turned to go back out through the window. “I can’t although I wish I could” I gave him a sad look. “Fine” he said “but we can’t talk only through thoughts ok? Or you parents will hear.” I nodded scooping up my PJs off my bed then padded across the landing to the bathroom. I miss you, I thought. Miss you too angel came his reply instantaneously. I padded back and saw Jamie now topless lying on my bed hugging cuddles. I flipped HES MINE!!!!!  I screamed my thoughts at him. He jumped a mile. Sorry. I felt horrible. I’m the sorry one he thought back shooting away from my bed. I trembled angel what’s wrong? No-one comes in here and if they do they never ever touch cuddles. I sounded like a two year old but he was my comfort. Sad for a 16 year old right? I am sorry angel but he smelt like you.... his thought trailed off. I just hugged him forgiven it thought to him. And he smiled. I released him then trudged to my bed hugging cuddles and his jacket to my chest. Would rather hug you though I thought to him. He laughed softly and then was lying next to me. I curled against him. I’ll leave when your asleep ok angel. I nodded although I didn’t want him to go I knew he had to. I put my head on his chest and listened to the steady rhythm on his heartbeat. I let my eyes flutter shut.


I was there again....People flew above me slamming into me from all angles. I hovered above the ground. You’re stronger than them. I thought to myself. I then stiffened my body unaware this will only make their attacks more painful. BAM. I was knocked to the floor. My body shuddered then everything when black.


I woke up startled and sweating yet freezing cold. Jamie lay passed out beside me. Adorable. I kissed his eyes lightly. They fluttered open. Sorry did I wake you? I thought to him. Shit I fell asleep. He cursed silently. I smiled and pulled him close its ok I’m glad you’re here. Why? He asked. I recited my dream and he held me tightly. Poor angel, he thought to me. I love you I thought to him. I love you more princess.  I looked at him doubtable I laughed. He stroked my cheek. Sleep angel ok ill wait till you asleep then I’ll leave ill come and knock for you tomorrow. Ok sweet dreams for when you sleep. With that he lent down and kissed me lightly then let me place my head on his chest and let me sleep.

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