11- Rude Awakening

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After a rough night’s sleep of freaky dreams and waking up every few hours I was woken again with a harsh slap round the face. My eyes sprung open instantly. My eyes settled on the person standing beside my bed. My dad. He looked mad. “Get up!” he hollered at me. His hand gathering speed towards my face again. Now fully awake. My body filled with strength. I grabbed his arm mid air. Slamming my free hand over his hand I sent his hand flying back. “No more!” I screamed at him. A loud cracking sound filled the room. It was like splintering wood. Then a violent scream vibrated the walls. I froze. The shock of what I’d just done smashing through all strength I had in me. I whimpered. Angel it’s ok.  I jumped slightly where are you? I thought back. I’m outside. Jamie. Babe I can’t stop shaking. Its ok hun ill be in as soon as he leaves I promise. I looked down then met my dad’s gaze ‘Hurt at the bar, broke my wrist, going A&E’. I cast my thoughts into his head hopping it worked. To my amazement he walked out the room without doubting the information he had cast into my head.

I looked down at my outfit. I need to change first I thought to the now opening window. You look irresistible as you are came Jamie’s reply. I blushed. I could hear the smile just through his thoughts. “Stop drooling” I laughed as he peeped through the window. “Impossible” he murmured.  He padded softly over my floor and sat next to me in my bed. I shook. “Babe are you ok?” he asked obviously concerned. I shook my head. “I just broke my dad’s wrist then mind tricked him into thinking he’d got beaten up at the pub” Jamie looked at me and held me tight. “Is mind tricking people even one of our powers?” I asked shakily. He nodded his reply. I snuggled against him. “It’s ok.” He murmured into my ear brushing my hair behind it and kissing my neck. I shuddered in pleasure.


After lying in bed with Jamie for hours I finally struggled out of bed and padded downstairs. He lay sleeping in my bed so I left him there. I made sure everyone was out then decided to make us pancakes and coffee. I was dancing around the kitchen singing as well when I heard a soft laugh behind me. I jumped a mile. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” I attempted to scream but I laughed as I turned to see Jamie’s smiling face in the doorway. I turned back to the now hot pan and started cooking the pancakes.  His arms wrapped around my waist and my knees went weak. After I cooked the pancakes I set them on the table with a mixture of toppings ranging from Nutella to Maple Syrup. My stomach rumbled loudly but I ignored it and started to clear up my mess. “Eat babe” came Jamie’s voice from behind me. “I’m not hungry” I lied. “Babe I can hear your tummy tiger from here” he laughed and pulled me to face him. I smiled. “I’m not two” I laughed pushing him back playfully. “Just eat please babe? I don’t want you to be ill” He said looking at me with concerned eyes. I nodded and sat down to eat.


After eating and washing up I went and grabbed a shower and to get changed. I stood with the water from the shower pattering my shoulders thinking. I washed my hair and thought about what I’d done to my dad. The feelings that came to mind when I thought of my dad are Hatred, anger and disgust.

I jumped out the shower and dried my hair while I had the towel wrapped round my tiny body.

My hair was now almost at the clasp of my bra and it was wavy by nature with so much volume I was like a lion. I then tugged on shorts and a strappy top that showed of my little figure. I tied up the bathroom and went downstairs.  “You look gorgeous babe” Jamie said from the bottom of my stairs. I smiled “Thank you baby” I replied placing a kiss on his cheek. He ran his hands down my sides and planted a kiss on my forehead. I groaned with a slight pleasure. I wrote a note to mum and left it on the counter.

It read: I don’t know when I’ll be back. May stay at Jades or Jamies'. And before you moan or ask yes he is my boyfriend. I’ll text you more later. Cya Ellie May.

I then grabbed my phone my iPod my bank card key and headphones shoved them in my small bag and headed outside. Jamie trudged behind me. “What’s on your mind, El?” Jamie asked after a while of walking. “I need to move out and soon” I said to him turning suddenly to face him. “You can’t stay with me yet hun although I wish you could.” I didn’t bother to hide the fact that upset me “I’m sorry baby” he said brushing my hair behind my ear so he could see my eyes properly. I blushed ‘soon’ came his sudden thoughts into my mind. I shrugged unsure what to say, feeling rather low and depressed.


Authors Notes:

Sorry its been a while, been rather busy :) hope you're enjoying my story so far let me know what you think and any ideas you have for other stories or chapters :) also dont forget to fan, vote and comment


more updates to come

Beth xx

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