Chapter 1

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"Hey Marie, will you go to the 8th grade dance with me?" Asked Ben.
"Really? You want to go with me?" I ask.
"You're the only one I want to go with!" He exclaims as I blush.
"Then YES!" I blurt out.
"Great! I can't wait to see you there!" He says as he runs after his baseball teammates. Shoot! I've got to get to class. I grab my agenda, homework folder, Spanish folder, and pencil case and run to room 203.
"You're late." Says Señor Kelso.
"I know I'm really sor-"
"You're late!" He says a little bit louder.
" Ya I know, I'm-"
"YOU'RE LATE!" He screams. The class around me swirls like crazy until I open my eyes and I see my mom staring at me.
"Crap!" I scream.
"Watch your language young lady!"
"Don't talk back to me! Now get ready for school!"
"Ugh! I'm up! I'm getting ready!"
When I am finished getting ready, I say goodbye to my mom who is home sick and run to the bus stop. I see the bus a couple yards in front of me. As I try to catch up to my bus, I trip over a pine cone and slide on my stomach. Ow! That really hurt! Now I have a giant dirt stain on my pinkish-tanish shirt. Great. I sprint to the bus stop. Right when I am next to the bus the doors close "Wait! Wait for me!" I scream.
The bus jerks and the doors open. "Thank you so much!" I say to the bus driver.
"Just don't be late next time." She says with an attitude. I find a seat on the left side of the bus and play on my phone and before I know it we're pulling into the bus circle. I get off and go into the school. I jog up the stairs to the 8th grade wing. I see Ben and his baseball friends hanging out at his locker. Do you really like me or was that just a dream. I force myself to smile. He looks at me and gives me a halve smile. Then one of his friends looks at me and smirks. "Did you poop on you shirt?" He asks. I cover my shirt with my hands when I remember that I still have the dirt stain on it. I speed walk away from them, to home room.
"Good morningMarie!"
"Good morning Mrs. Koluski!"
I walk over and sit down in my assigned seat.
"Good morning Bridgeport Hill Middle School! Tomorrow the Hawks (our school baseball team) will be playing in the jamboree! Sunday, they play the championship game out of all of the Bridgeport Major teams! If we win, we get to go to the state finals and they're hosting them here! Now be a good sport and come to the games! Have a great day!" The announcements are now over and I have to go to 1st period, math.
"Everyone take out your homework on solving x and y problems with the distributive property! And Marie, it's 80 degrees in here! Take off your jacket!" She yells.
"Um........well, you see........ I, uh have a giant dirt stain on it and we'll I-"
"Alright, alright. Now let's go over question number 1 first, 2(y+7)=8(6-x)" she yells. Ugh. Math is so boring! As she review the tricky questions for the class, I stare out the window where it's raining hard. I watch the water trickle down the light purple lilacs and the bright green leaves............

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book play ball! I promise, it will get more interesting soon! Please comment and vote for me! Love you guys!😘

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