Chapter 14: Death was at our doorstep

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I heard the loud CRACK of a distant sniper rifle fire, and I listened as the bullet whizzed by and Natalya grunted. I looked over and saw she got hit in the stomach, and she slumped over.

I yelled out "NATALYA!!!" and scrambled over to her. Bahr cursed and said "GRAB HER! WE NEED TO REGROUP!" I slung Natalya over my back in a fireman's carry as we started running. I heard Hartwin fire off a retaliatory shot, but we had no idea if he made his mark or not. I was lagging behind due to me carrying my best friend and I heard her say weakly "Watch out..." I heard another shot get fired off and my left knee exploded in a mixture of blood and pain. I fell down in pain, but still tried to carry Natalya on my back crawling.

Natalya said weakly "Dakota, save yourself...."


Natalya gave me a stern look and said "Killing yourself will accomplish nothing..." Natalya must have seen another glint of the sniper's scope as she punched me in the face and threw herself on top of me. The sniper's rifle firing sounded like an explosion. I heard the sickening sound of brass ripping through flesh, and I saw Natalya on top of me, am empty space where the left side of her face used to be. I..don't remember much. I think the sniper left by now, and I had to leave Nat's body behind.

I made my way towards the squad, but I couldn't think straight. Natalya's death signaled the beginning of my insanity, and the loss of my humanity.

Dakota WillhoffWhere stories live. Discover now