Chapter 12: Take the fight to them

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I told the commander that Vogelstein was a vampire. He saw the bite marks on my neck, and immediately started updating her dossier. We were losing the war, and we had to find a way to stop Vogelstein from advancing into eastern Germany. Barricades don't work very well against her forces, and we were running out of ideas. Until Eichhorn suggested bringing in the use of Blitzkrieg robots. I had heard of them, and I knew they were giant in size, and had heave weaponry attached to it. The problem was finding a way of mass producing it. We only had one, and it was a prototype. There was nothing wrong with the prototype, it's just that there was no way to transport it. Which was why the project got scrapped in the first place.

Then Eichhorun suggested using a transport VTOL to transport it. It was big enough, and it could transport that behemoth machine. So we did just that. Bähr approved it, and we got a transport VTOL ready. I had to ride inside it, and I nearly shit myself the whole time. See, it was carrying the Blitzkrieg bot very well, but the problem was that it was causing the transport to sag a little. And we almost crashed a couple of times. But it worked, and we got it to the eastern border. Sure enough, Vogelstein's forces were marching forward. The whole squad was busy trying to activate the Blitzkrieg as the Neo Nazis drew closer. We were almost out of time, until Eichhorn said "I got it up!" We all got off of it and the Blitzkrieg said "TARGETS ACQUIRED. ACTIVATING FULL OR DANCE PACKAGE." It's weapons were activated, and I saw it's back open up and this pile of metal was undolding, until I realized it was a big ass cannon coming out of it's back. It fired the cannon, and a volley of explosive rained down on the Neo Nazis. It activated it's chain guns and missile launchers as it got hit by anow RPG. The Blitzkrieg shrugged it off, and fired a giant laser out of it's back cannon. 

The German army shortly joined the fray, and  tanks and other vehicles rushed past us as we attacked the Neo Nazis. The main attack force was wiped out now minutes, and the survivors of the Neo Nazis attack formation had retreated. The Blitzkrieg was set up so that it would always protect the eastern border.

We celebrated our victory, and damn it felt good. We finally got to take the fight to the bastards, and we finally pushed them back. We learned Berlin was too thick with enemy forces that we couldn't take it back currently. At least Vogelstein's initial push towards eastern Germany was foiled.

Natalya and I were finally happy again, for once in a long time. I was terrified of losing her. She was my only real friend left, and things weren't getting safer. I kept reassuring myself with "She's tough, she'll make it through...."

But I still had my doubts.

Dakota WillhoffWhere stories live. Discover now