We all hopped in the little cars and rode around, and it was actually a fun time. But when CJ suggested riding for a second time, we decided to sit this one out. We made our way to a small little picnic table where we could still keep an eye on the kids.

"Man, I'm tryna go ride tha Titan," Kellen said rubbing his hands together.

Ivy immediately shook her head. "NO sir, not happeneing."

He instantly pouted and wrapped his little lanky arms around her. "Come on baby it'll be fun." He pecked her cheek a couple of times.

I gagged and looked away from them. "Please get a room or go to the bathroom you sickening bastards."

Kellen flicked me off and went back to kissing all over Ivy. I knew she wasn't going to get on any big rides with him, because the girl was terrified of heights. He whispered something in her ear that had her smiling as wide as her drawls.

"Okay, but you gotta promise." She smiled at him.

"Oh, I promise baby." He winked.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," I groaned.

Tahj laughed and drapped his arm around my shoulder. "Aw, I think it's kind of cute." He laughed.

"It's disgusting," I shot back.

Ivy and Kellen both stood up from the table.

"We'll be back," Kellen winked. "If y'all don't hear from us in an hour we'll meet up at the lil antique photo booth. I wanna get a picture with my baby before we go." He smacked Ivy hard on the ass and pressed her body up against his.

"My eyes!" I screamed while covering my face. "Just go ahead and leave." I shooed them away.

Tahj removed my hands from my face while falling into a fit of laughter.

"You're a trip, you know that?" he laughed.

"So I've been told," I smirked. He stared at me for a few minutes, causing me to grow uncomfortable under his gaze.

"What?" I laughed nervously.

"You're beautiful when you do that you know?" he replied, never once taking his eyes away from mine.

I shyly looked down only for him to tilt my chin back upward.

"Don't do that. You're always trying to brush off my compliments or avoid this conversation."

"Because I have a good reason to," I shot back.

"What's that?" he asked.

"I just have my reasons and I'd rather not share them." I slightly turned my body away from his, signaling that I did not want to talk anymore.

His hands found their way to my thighs and I didn't even attempt to remove them. He got a firm grip and turned my body back toward his.

"I've been your sponsor for going on a month now and you still haven't opened up to me. Yes, you call me when you feel like facing the bottle again, but you haven't yet told me why. If we can't get to the root of the problem, then you can't fully heal. You know I'm only here to help you right, Caya?"

I nodded. "Yes, but it's just an emotional can of worms that I'd rather not open. And you still haven't told me about your past either."

He shrugged and brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "You haven't asked me about it either."

"Well I'm asking now."

He took a deep breath. "I met Kali's mother when I was 17. She was my first everything. When I first found out she was pregnant, I was 21, scared out of my mind, and yet excited to be a father. When my babygirl was born, I gained and lost the greatest things to ever happen to me. God gave me my beautiful baby girl, but he took her mother. Angel, that was her mother's name, passed while giving birth. I took that shit hard man. I immediately started drinking. I was partying every night, and getting so drunk I'd wake up and not even know where I was. It wasn't until they threatened to take Kali from me that I straightened up and got on the right path. I knew I had to get right for my babygirl if I didn't do it for anyone else. So I opened up the shop and put the bottle down."

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