Chapter 19

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Seasonpaw looked around, seeing lots and lots of candy trees. She wondered, when would she find the secrets of the prophecy? She sighed, looking up a tree that Peppermint had climbed up. "Can I come up too?" She asked. Peppermint nodded, helping her up. She saw a nest and looked into it.

She saw a hawk.

"What's a hawk doing here?" She turned to her mentor. "I don't know." She replied.

She touched a wing and a voice whispered.

Take care of my hawk.

She felt feathers out of her back and she realized.

She had wings..

She gasped slightly and tried hiding them as they blended in with her fur.

She carried the hawk on her back, padding back to camp.

She found the medicine den and padded to it.

"Whispersong?" She turned to see the medicine cat looking at her. "Yes?" Whispersong looked at the hawk and realized. "I'll take care of him." She smiled and padded off to Rainfur.

Seasonpaw looked at the sky and laid her head on her paws.

She sighed as she saw Hollypaw padding towards her and doing the same.

"So.. What happened with Leafstrike?" She asked.  "I found a hawk, it helped me when I was a kit." She smiled, "What about you?" She asked. "I found a hawk and took it to Whispersong, I think it was Icewing's hawk." She looked up at the stars again.

"I'm going to the apprentices den. Bye!" Hollypaw smiled, padding off.

Seasonpaw looked at the apprentice, noticing her tail.

It looked like a Pheonix's..

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