What is love? (Ai x Android!reader)

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The Quartet Night are writing the lyrics of their own song for the next performance, very busy scribbling and erasing some mistakes on the music sheet.

"Minna! Ohayou-pu~!" Ringo greeted with a smile in his face. Hyuuga just being Hyuuga.

"Ringo-sensei, Hyuuga-sensei! Domo!" Reiji waved at them with his smile on his face. The Count just looked at both of them and turned his attention back to the paper. Ranmaru, lazily is sitting on the couch while reading some notes and thinking some lyrics that would fit for the song.

"what brings you here Hyuuga-sensei, Ringo-sensei?" Ai asking bluntly and his eyes still on the paper, tapping the eraser part of the pencil on his chin.

"We have an announcement," the word 'announcement' gained their attention and listened "We will be having a new idol today~ she'll be here in soon!" The announcement didn't surprise them, Ringo sweatdropped and laughed nervously.

"When she arrived, make sure you teach her everything" the Pioneer Princes just nodded and busy with the writing their own lyrics. Ringo and Hyuuga left them.

*Timeskip to two hours*

The Pioneer princes are still busy with the lyrics and they canceled all the plans to teach their junior for a week just to finish all the lyrics on time. Yeah, the composer just compose many songs for them.

They heard a knock on the front door "I'll get it!" Reiji said as he jogs to the front door, revealing a female figure in front of him. Reiji blinked "May I help you?" the female figure didn't speak, she just kept her blank face just like Ai.

"Kotobuki! What took you so long?" Reiji jumped and turned to see that it was only Camus.

"Gomen Myu-chan, there's a girl in our door way." The Permafrost Count peeked over the brunette's shoulder and saw you standing on the door mat. You still kept your blank face.

"Oy Reiji, Camus, what took you so long?" the silver haired rocker asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"There's a girl in our door way, and she's not answering me." Reiji said

"Ah so that's the idol Ringo-sensei is talking about," Ai said popped out from Ranmaru's back. Her (e/c) eyes began to blink and you look around, then landed on the cyan haired android.

"Ai-san..." The Pioneer Princes blinked as they turned to Ai, who is blinking also with a deadpan face. The new android walked towards Ai while the cyan boy kept his usual face.

"Teach me..." the cyan android blinked at her with a questioning look on his "teach me how to express emotion." she said bluntly.

The Pioneer Princes looked at each other "EHHHHH!? SO WE HAVE A FEMALE VERSION OF AI?!?!" Reiji shouted. The Count of the Permafrost hit his head so hard that he made Reiji face kiss the floor, in other words, he made Reiji's head hit the floor. Ranmaru sweatdropped.

"What's your name?" Camus asked, the android didn't answer his question. Camus blinked for a moment before he asked again, sadly, the new android still didn't answer his question. Reiji asked her also but she didn't answer, same with Ranmaru.

"Oy oy! Why won't she answer us?!" Ranmaru growled. (Y/N) turned her head to the three and opened her mouth to speak.

"I don't answer anyone who don't have data on my system." She said bluntly. Reiji, Camus and Ranmaru gaped and twitched.

"What's your name?" Ai asked "(Y/N).... (Y/N) (L/N)..."

"Hello (Y/N)! Nice to meet you! I hope we can be best friends forever!" Reiji stretched out his hand for a handshake but the new android just looked at it and declined. Reiji suddenly went to the corner and sulked and mumbling about something.

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