Happy Birthday, Ranmaru! (Ranmaru x reader)

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You were walking down the hallways while humming a happy tune. You felt like today was a perfect day but you did felt you forgotten something very important which was suppose to be today. You couldn't put a finger on it so you decided to shrug it off and go to the kitchen.

"I wonder if Ranmaru-senpai is there..." Just by thinking if he was cooking there made your cheeks heat up a bit as you shook it off and peered over from the door to look at the kitchen.

Unfortunately, he wasn't there but Reiji,one of your upperclassmen, was there cooking. The brunet noticed your presence and looked over his shoulder then smiled at you.

"Ohayou, (Y/N)-chan!" Reiji greeted you as you walked in and stopped beside him.

"What are you cooking, Rei-chan?" You asked him out of curiosity.

"Oh this? It's for the party later tonight!" Reiji replied with a wide grin.

You blinked as you tilted your head to the side. "Party? What party?"

"Eh? You don't remember, (Y/N)-chan?"

You gave him a confused look that made Reiji furrow his eyebrows.

"It's RanRan's birthday today!" Reiji exclaimed to you. "Didn't I informed you last night about it? We're planning him a surprise party later!"

You stared at Reiji trying to process what he just said until it hit you like a rock being thrown to you head. "I FORGOT!" You slapped a hand on your forehead as you mentally panicked.

"Well... I guess you were too tired yesterday that you didn't get all of the things I said..." The brunet said as he turned off the stove and leaned against the counter. "Later tonight, we're going to have a surprise party for him since he's coming home tonight after a whole day live since this morning."

"Ahhh... I don't have a present for him yet..." You said as you let out a sigh.

"Well its not too late, (Y/N)-chan!" Reiji reassured you as he smiled. "You still have time! Go on and find a present for RanRan~ We'll handle the decorations and preparations!"

You nodded as you turned around to walk out to find a present for him.

"And maybe you'll confess your love for him~" Reiji teased as you turned to face him with a full red blush. He wore a teasing smirk.




You were walking around the district while looking through every single store to find a present for Ranmaru. Unfortunately, you didn't find anything that would suit him. You sighed as you plopped down on a bench.

"What am I going to do now...?" You mumbled as you looked around. You visited every store and had no clue where to go next. The sun was already setting. "Ahhhhh..." You quietly screamed to yourself while you buried your face in your arms.


"Hm?" You blinked as you looked up then looked around.

"Meow~" You heard a faint cry of a small kitten of some sort. So you followed the sound and saw a pet shop at the corner. You walked in the shop and saw the kitten on the cage all alone. It was meow-ing.

"Awww~" You picked it up as you stroked it. The kitten was pure white. You began stroking it while it purred.

A sudden idea came into your mind as you looked at it. "I think I have a idea~"

"Uta no Prince-sama" Various x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now