Jealousy (Jealous!Otoya x reader)

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You and Otoya have been best friends for a long time now and you noticed something different from him. Like for example, whenever a guy gives you flowers, Otoya pouted and crossed his arms like a child. You have to admit, it's pretty adorable when you think of him pouting and crossing his arms in a childish way. You thought that he's jealous or something and you know he's not the type of guy who get's jealous easily.... Or does he?

You and Otoya are walking down the hall, smiling laughing like what best friends does. Both of you stopped in your tracks when a guy approaches you with yet another flowers and a box of chocolate. Otoya suddenly felt jealous again and couldn't help but looking at the guy coldly then pouted.

"(Y-Y/N), I-I was thinking if you could go out with me? I promise I'll make you the happiest person in the world!" The guy confessed and bows as he gave the flowers and the sweets he bought for you. You smiled at the guy who confessed to you and pats his head, Otoyan began to puff his cheeks in jealousy.

"Thank you but I can't go out with you... Also I'm already in love with someone," you said and the guy frowned "but I appreciate your efforts, thank you!" You flash a smile on your face and the guy nodded "I understand, I hope you like the flowers I gave you" you nodded and the guy walked away.

"Nee Otoya Otoya~!! Don't you think this flowers smells good?" You showed the flowers to him. Otoya rolled his eyes in jealousy "I can give you many flowers than that guy" he thought. You opened the chocolate and eats one, you grab another chocolate "say 'ahh' Otoya~" Otoya blinked at you and opened his mouth. You shoot the chocolate in his mouth and giggled.

"Mmm~!! Delicious (Y/N)!" Otoya said happily, he grabs another chocolate and eat it. You guys continued walking and chitchatting with each other.

As month passes by, guys continues to give you flowers and chocolates and you gladly accepted them. You noticed the Otoya is acting different now, he's not the happy-go-lucky Otoya you know. The Otoya you know is hyper, right now he's calm (if thats the right word). The Otoya you know is noisy, and now he's quiet. He usually questions things he didn't understand but now he just kept quiet and looks at his notebook. You start to get this uneasy feeling about Otoya.

You saw Otoya sleeping on his desk and you decided to walk up to his desk, pulled a chair from the other desk and sat down beside him. You cleared your throat at him and it seems he's ignoring you. You cleared your throat again and still ignoring you. You pouted and began to shake him "Hello! Paging Ittoki Otoya! (L/N) (Y/N) is calling ya!"

Otoya began to jolt up and look around as he removes his headphones "Wah! What what what?! Where are my dogs?!" You laughed at his cute reaction, Otoya pouted at you and whines "Mou (Y/N)-chan! Don't do that to me!" You wiped your tears of laughter away from your eyes.

Your smile began to turn into a frown "Otoya, I wanted to ask you something." Otoya sighed and stood up "Let's talk somewhere else..." as you guys walk in the hallway, you began to make a convo. Otoya looks like he listened but the truth is he isn't. You followed him to the rooftop. Otoya shoves his hands in his pocket and turns around, "well, what do you want to ask me?" You played with your fingers and looked at him.

"I noticed that you've been acting strange lately, and I noticed how you look at the guys who gave me flowers. Is there something wrong with you Otoya? You know, just so that we won't have any problems as best friends."

Otoya flashed a sad smile and it made your heart shattered into pieces. Otoya sighed and a hint of faint blushed was spread across his cheeks "i-it's because... I'm jealous!" He shuts his eyes tightly "I act this way because I get jealous because many guys gave you flowers and chocolates... It sickens me... I get jealous because I like you (Y/N), I like you" you tried to find words about his confession but you eventually stayed quiet. Otoya was about to speak but you tackle him a hug and buried your face into his chest. Otoya looked down at you and blinked, you lifted your head as you smiled at him.

"Otoya, I like you too~" you blushed as you hug him.

"S-so does that mean we're official now?" You look up first and thought of something.

"Hmm, I'm gonna make you jealous first~" Otoya puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms in a childish way. You laughed at his cute reaction and pinched his cheek "You're cute when you're jealous" you said as you give him a peck on his lips and blushed.

"I love you (Y/N)~" he smiled and blushed deeply.

"I love you too Otoya~" you hugged and he hugged you back.

Yuki: here's Jealous!Otoya x reader~!!! To be honest, I keep on giggling because Otoyan's pout keeps on flashing in my mind.

Fuyumi: he's so adorable when he's jealous! *giggles*

Otoya: *blushes and scratches the back of the head* Ehehe~ thank you for requesting me IAMJCCF ~! *hugs* I hope you enjoy the story they made!
((o(O 7 O)o))

Yuki: aww~ how cute *laughs*

Fuyumi and Yuki: next up~!! Reiji x Reader~

Yuki: this is all for now~ BaiBai~!!!!!!

Fuyumi: *waves*

Otoya: *waves* SEE YA SOON MINNA-SAN~ O 7 O

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