One For All {Pt 2/3}

Start from the beginning

Ostin's expression immediately softened. "It's not your fault."

He looked away.

"Dude, I'm serious. If I know one thing about Taylor, it's the fact that she can take care of herself. Remember when she was captured in Taiwan? She tricked Quentin and Tara and gave us enough time to rescue her. Dude, you know that she can stay strong. We can save her, we just need to finish this mission or her capture would've been for nothing."

Michael's face stayed the same, but Ostin saw him relax a little.


There were tarantulas in the cell. Hundreds and hundreds of huge spiders crawling towards her, making no move to stop. Taylor backed up into a corner, not bothering to hold back her screams.


McKenna was waiting in the living room with Ian. They just got back from their side mission for the Voice and they were surprised to see that the rest of the Electroclan weren't in the safe house yet.

They were nervously waiting, alone in the house. Ian suddenly jumped up and McKenna breathed a sigh of relief. "They're coming?"

"Yeah. They'll be here in a few minutes." He replied, sitting back down.

"That's good. They're okay." McKenna relaxed, knowing that everyone was fine and their mission went well.

She noticed that he had a weird look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Someone's missing." Ian mentally counted the people in the van, trying to figure out who. "Taylor."

McKenna gasped. Michael must be devastated. She remembered Taylor's reaction to when Michael was missing. She shuddered at the thought of how Michael reacted.

She heard the van pull up in garage and ran to the door, Ian trailing behind.

McKenna opened the door and threw her arms around Ostin as soon as she saw him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

They pulled apart and the air felt cold. Ian turned to Michael to ask about Taylor, but sensing his current mood, he turned to Ostin. "What happened."

Ostin explained the situation, glancing at Michael's expression.

Everyone was shocked, including the passengers in the van. They didn't know what really happened, and Michael didn't want to talk about it.

Speaking of Michael, one look at him and you could tell that he's about to explode. Somehow he was keeping his tics under control, only grimacing a few times throughout the recap.

Everyone turned to him. He let out a deep breath. "Let's just finish this mission so that we can rescue Taylor."


Four meals.

That was Taylor's method for keeping track of time. She's had four meals so far, not in any sort of pattern. Probably to throw off her eating schedule, make her body suffer more.

Taylor thought back to what happened, trying to remember the details.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun."

Taylor glared at Tara as she was being escorted away. She made a last minute effort to get away, yanking her arms out of the guards grip. She didn't even take one step before she felt something on her arm. She quickly got dizzy and fell to the ground, unconscious.

And then she woke up here. She had no idea how long it's been, no sense of time in the empty cell. So she counted the meals. It helped her sanity just a little bit, having some sort of grip on the present.

Taylor heard the trapdoor open, then close quickly. She turned her head and looked at the disgusting food.

Five meals.


"Michael, we can't just rush in there. We need a plan!"

"I don't care about plans! I care about Taylor! We need to save her."

"I know that, but we need a plan."

"We don't have time for a plan! We need to go as soon as possible, we don't know what's happening! What if she's being fed to the rats and we don't get there on time because we wasted precious hours CREATING A PLAN!"

Ostin felt the electricity in the room increase, so much that his hairs were sticking up. "Michael, you need to calm down."

"I AM CALM." Michael heard electricity crackling and looked around the room. He noticed that the lights were off, but the room was still bright. He looked down at himself. He was glowing. More than usual.

He controlled himself. The electricity dropped and it was dark in the room.

"We need to go as soon as possible." He said.


Tara just finished another 'session' and was walking back to her room. She opened the door, only to see her boyfriend with his arms crossed.

"What's wrong?" She asked.


"What?" She gently closed the door, feeling an argument starting.

"Why are you doing this to Taylor." Quentin repeated. "Why are you making her suffer for a month instead of just feeding her to the rats?"

Tara looked at him like it was obvious. "Because she's annoying. I wish I wasn't born a twin. Besides, it's more fun this way."

Quentin took a deep breath. "No, it's not."

"What are you talking about."

"No, what are you talking about? Are you even listening to yourself? You're gonna torture your own sister for weeks just because she's annoying? We all think Bryan's annoying but I don't see us throwing him in freakin' Cell Twenty-Five!"

Tara narrowed her eyes. "Q, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"What do you think I'm saying?"

Tara took one slow step after another until she was face to face with Quentin. "You don't think Taylor deserves this?"


She was taken aback. She wasn't expecting that answer, let alone the fierce truth behind it. Quentin was still standing his ground, arms crossed and a fixed glare that he's perfected over the years.

"Quentin," she said softly, taking a step back. "She almost killed me."

"And you almost killed her."

"Not me specifically. And you were going to watch her die with me! Where is all this coming from? You had no problem with killing her before, why now?" Seeing that Quentin made no effort to explain, Tara continued her rant. "And now what? Are you gonna have a soft spot for Vey? Are you going to tell me that you don't think Vey deserved the torture that he got back in Pasadena? Are you gonna go to the losing side and join their little 'Electroclub'?"

Quentin, seeming as if he'd had enough, just shook his head. He said one word, that made Tara even more confused than before. He said that word before briskly walking out of her room, radiating a wave of newfound anger.




Part dos complete! I really wanted to add more details, but at the same time I didn't want to make it too long. Should I just make an actual fanfic based on this idea or should I just ignore specific details and end it in the next part?

Oh yeah, this is now a 3 parter cause I'm bad at planning things out ahead of time. Part tres coming soon!

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