'I think so. When do you want to do it?' She asked.

'Today, in ten minutes?' I asked zipping up my black jeans and slipping on my back ankle boots.

'Ok, just call me when your there.' she said, then we said our goodbyes and I began to drive to Elena's tomb.

Stefan and I decided to bury her. Not in a coffin but in a cave. Stefan said it would be a better idea if Damon didn't know where. I drove past the mayor's house, and I pulled up by a gate that said, "Private Property." I got out of my car and texted Bonnie to let me in.

'I'm Here.' A minute later she responded,

'Quickly get in, it's opened, text me when you want to come out.'

'Ok' Was all I texted back to her as I walked into the woods and found the cave where Stefan and I had placed our dear friend.

I walked in cautiously, I don't know what to expect, I haven't seen her since we put her here, which was a couple of days. I lowered in to the stone slimy steps and saw her. The candles Stefan, Bonnie, Jeremy, and I had set up were dimly lit. I walked up to her and grabbed a hold of her hand. Then I opened my mind to her, "Elena?"

"Caroline!" I heard Elena's voice, then I imagined us back in the college dorm room. Both of us were sitting in her bed, I smiled when I saw Elena had not changed one bit. Her hair was tucked behind her right ear. I could feel my tears streaming down, Elena's face became blury with my tears, but I felt her shift and move forward. Embracing me in a tight hug.

"I miss you!" I said unable to keep myself calm. And hugging her back I cried into her shoulder.

"I've missed you too, but what are you doing here?" I broke away, and wiped my tears with the sleeve of my jacket before looking at her.

I told her everything that happened in my dreams. From the knock on the door, to the walking dowstairs with Klaus. After I finished, we just looked at eachother. She waited a couple of minutes before she spoke.

"Care, I... don't know what to say." She says looking to the ground and back.

"What do you think?" I ask hopeful. She finally lands her stare at me.

"I know what I'm thinking, but you might not want to hear it." She says lightly. I nodd and tell her to just get it over with. She refuses a couple times, but at the end she just comes out with it, "Care, I think your falling for Klaus. And before you say anything, No. It's not because of Tyler. I mean since day one, you and Klaus BOTH had a connection. The only difference is you tried to cove it up." I look at her in disbelief. Somewhere deep inside of me, I knew she was right. And I was hoping for that answer.

"Your right," I say at last, because she was. "Should I call him or something?" That broke the ice, we both laughed after I finished saying this.

"I think you should." She says smiling at me. Then after a minute her smile fades, "How is Jeremy?" She asks. I turn my attention to her. How could I have been so selfish? I came here to tell her my problems when she was here all by herself in a deep sleep.

"He's fine, Bonnie is taking good care of him." I said in a small voice. She nodds and looks to the ground before speaking again,

"And Damon?" When she says this my heart drops, I knew he would come up sooner or later.

"I haven't seen him, since Bonnie put up the spell." I say truthfully. She just nodds and I see a small tear run down her cheak. I don't know what else to say, so I just stay quiet.

After a few minutes, she speaks again, "Well, you should go. Talk to Klaus." I nodded and felt a bit disappointed.

"What does it feel like?" I ask randomly, not even choosing the words that came out of my mouth. "Being in here?" I clear up. She sighs,

"It's ok, I guess. Not much to do. But it's just like sleeping, exept I don't wake up. I have good dreams, nightmares, blank spaces. I'm asleep." A small tear runs down my cheak.

"How long do you think you've been in here?" I ask, the last question before leaving. She just shruggs.

"I don't know, a month? A year? I can't keep the essence of time here. How long HAVE I been here?" She asks sadly.

"You've been here a week. A couple days maybe." She sighs.

"Wow, time stands still in the oddest moments." She says lowly. She takes a deep breath and puts on a smile. "Go Caroline, I'll be fine. Get Klaus." I smile weakly at her and we say our goodbyes. Finally I let go of her hand and come back to the darkness of the cave. I plant a kiss on my best friends head and text Bonnie,

'I'm done, thank you.' I felt the magic open and close as I stepped outside. I took a few steps before turning to find more woods. The spell had worked, without Bonnie's magic there would be no way of finding Elena. Quietly I made my way to my car, and drove home.

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