Running away from a Dreadful home to end up living with vampires part 3

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We walked out of my new room and down some halls till we came back to Nathans room. Jade opened the door Nathan was sitting on his bed. "Don't just walk in" he yelled at Jade then when Jade walked in he smiled at me. "Hey Maya" he said jumping off his bed and walking over to me and Jade. "I just came to tell you me and Maya are going shopping" Jade said to Dean. He just nodded then Jade grabbed my arm and pulled me back out the door. Then we ended up at Dean's room and I wonder what ever happened to that girl that was in here before. When we walked in he threw a pillow at Jade she ducked and it hit me. I fell over and if I wasn't embarrassed already they both started laughing and I think my face was a little hot.

I got up off the ground as fast as I could and ended up tripping over my own feet. That just made them laugh even more. This time when I got up I stayed up and after a while they both stopped laughing. "What do you want" Dean said turning his attention back to Jade which made her jump back into reality from her laughter. "Me and Maya are going shopping just letting you know" Jade said about to run off but then Dean was in front of her. "What if she gets away I can't let you take her" Dean said with his arms crossed. "Why don't you come with us" Jade said grabbing his hand as well as mine and pulling us out the door.

He tried to protest but she just wouldn't let him so he ended up coming along. We got out the front and I looked around the hole place was surrounded by trees. There was one small path leading out and when we got into Dean's car we followed that path. We finally got out of the trees and onto the road than followed that for a while and ended up at the mall. We were running around all day and I was having fun but it looked like Dean was about to drop dead any minuet from boredom. In the end I got a really nice blue dress that goes to my knees and a whole lot of tops. I also got jeans and When we were done we went back home it still seems weird calling it home.

I went start to my room to get dressed I put on a tank top and black skinny jeans. Than I put the rest of my things away I hadn't eaten all day so I went looking for the kitchen. I walked down some halls then stopped these people were vampires they probably don't have food that I can eat. I was about to go back to my room when I seen Nathan then he smiled. "Get lost did you" he asked walking over to me I shock my head saying no. "I was looking for something to eat" I said as he grabbed my hand "come on then" he said as he dragged me behind him.

We stopped at a kitchen and it was huge Dean and Jade were already in there but they weren't eating. When I looked closer they both had cups with I think has blood in them so they were eating. I went over to the table and sat down Dean smiled at me "You want some" he asked handing me the cup. Jade looked at him with a really scary glare that didn't look friendly. I didn't say anything and Dean just pulled the cup back then Nathan walked over from the other side of the kitchen. Than he looked at as all "am I missing something" he asked in a worried voice but no one answered. It felt really weird and no one was talking but then Jade broke the silence "Dean is making stupid jokes" she said. Than Nathan looked over at Dean and Dean just rolled his eyes "Just stop pretending if they find out" Dean said standing up.

Than I got up "who are they and what are you talking about" I asked and than Nathan put his hand on my shoulder. "It's nothing just ignore him" Jade said as she got up now we were all standing facing each other as if we were about to fight. Than Jade walked over to the bench "how about we eat" she said and than we all sat down. We sat down and I had chicken they all just had they cups full of blood I didn't even want to know were they got the blood from. After we all finished I was the first to get up and I was just about to leave when I remembered I didn't know the way.

I turned around to see they were all looking at me which made me really uncomfortable. "Umm could someone take me to my room" I said so quite it was a whisper. Nathan got up "I'll take you" he said he walked out of the room and I followed him. We didn't talk till we got to my room "ok night" he said and than he was gone. That wasn't weird at all I walk into my room but I wasn't tired so I walked over to the window. My parents never let me be up late and I could never see the stars but tonight I could so I just sat there for what must have been hours.

Staring out the window the starry sky was so beautiful that I couldn't turn away and I ended up falling asleep on a chair next to the window. When I woke up I was in my bed how did I get here I sat up and then seen Dean sitting at the end of the bed. "Sorry I didn't mean to be so rude last night" he said rubbing the back of his head. I sat up this was unexpected "its fine" I said then he got up and went to walk out. Than I realized that I was in my pj's the ones I got yesterday but I didn't get changed oh no he didn't did he. I looked up at him and he smiled "I thought you would be more comfortable in that" he said and right after he said it he was gone.

I screamed and I'm sure it went though the whole house because Jade and Nathan were in my room in a flash. "What's wrong" Jade said I looked at them and they both looked half asleep "I hate him" I yelled at them. I got up "what did he do" Nathan asked "don't worry" I said they looked at each other then Nathan left. "Lets go eat" Jade said to me I followed he I didn't even get changed I was in deep thought. If he changed me and I didn't notice what else did he do to me I was going to kill he when I seen him next. We walked into the kitchen and there he was sitting there like nothing happened drinking his blood. I walked over and slapped him as hard as I could which I didn't think would hurt him anyway.

I don't know if it hurt but there was a red mark every thing went quite at that moment. Dean just looked at me like he didn't believe I just hit him. He finally snapped out of it "what was that for" he yelled I crossed my arms. "What do you think" I said with more anger in my voice then I had intended. He got up "I don't think it was that much of a big deal" he said. Nathan and Jade were just standing there watching us like they didn't know what was happening or what to do about it. "That wasn't nothing you don't just undress a girl while she is sleeping" I screamed. Nathan walked over and stood behind Dean "you did what" Nathan said. Jade didn't look much happier then Nathan did but Dean just looked at us all like he did nothing wrong.

Running away from a dreadful home to end up living with vampires (completed)Where stories live. Discover now