Running away from a Dreadful home to end up living with vampires part 8

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I remembered about that night when he drank my blood and filched. It was a scary thought to have your blood sucked by a vampire so why do I want it so badly? "Where did you go what happened" Jade asked "I umm just need some time alone" I said not wanting to tell them I tried to kill myself. I had almost forgotten about the other vampires "oh and I meet some new vampire" I said and they all looked worried. "What" I asked "what were there names" Nathan asked me "I think there was Sean, Milly, Anna, David and that's right Ryan" I said more to myself then them. "They didn't hurt you did they" Dean said "no they were really nice" I said then realized he was talking to me again and was worried which for some reason made me happy.

Nathan walked inside talking to himself and Jade followed that meant me and Dean were alone. "Umm" I started to say but me cut me off "I'm sorry" he said which left me speech less. "I don't know what came over me before" he said and with out think I don't know why but I kissed him. He was surprised but then he started to kiss me back his tongue pleading for me to open my mother and I gave in. His tongue went into my mouth just as Jade came outside "Hey dean" she started but stopped when she seen us. We both pulled away and she laughed and Dean and I just looked at her than at each other. "I knew you guys liked each other but come on you only just got back Maya" Jade said when she stopped laughing.

"I don't" Dean started to say but then he looked over at me and seen me blushing. Jade laughed again then left I was wondering why she even came outside in the first place. He started to walk inside but stopped and looked back at me "you coming" he asked and than I followed him inside. He walked to my room and stopped at my door, his hair was in his face and he was wearing a black top that had a dragon on it and for the first time I realized he had a six pack. Watching him made me want to kiss him again he looked so hot. "What are you looking at" Dean said and then I realized I had been staring at him "I wasn't" I said turning away. He opened my door and I walked in then he turned and walked away I sighed shutting my door.

I was so tired and went to bed right away then when I woke up the next day it was about five in the morning. I pulled myself up and even though it was so early I didn't think I was going to go back to bed any time soon. I walked over and seen some new cloths they looked like a school uniform then I heard someone walked past my room so I went and opened the door. Nathan was there I didn't think he would be up this early then again I didn't even know if vampires sleep in the day, night or maybe not at all. "Morning sorry did I wake you" Nathan asked "no I was already up" I said still wondering if they slept or not. He didn't say anything else so we just stood there quietly and did nothing.

Finally I remembered the cloths "what's up with the cloths" I said pointing to them "there our schools uniform" he said. "What" I said "Jade will tell you just going and asked her she is already up" he said and walked way like he couldn't be bothered telling me about it. I was really excited to know what was going on so I ran to her room and didn't even knock I just pushed the door open. "Jade" I was almost yelling "what's wrong" she jumped up out of the chair. "Sorry nothings wrong I just had to ask you something" I said I then she relaxed "it's about the school uniformed" I said. She smiled "Sorry we didn't ask first but we already enrolled you at our school" she said.

I was so happy to be going to school again that I ran over and hugged her then I run out of her room and into the living room. I seen Dean and Nathan sitting there watching TV "I'm going to school" I screamed and they jumped both of them turned around and looked at me. Dean just rolled his eyes and went back to the TV Nathan smiled at me "That's great" was all he said then he also turned back to the TV. I ran and jumped over the back of the lounge then sat between them. They were watching a movie but I have no idea what it was all I know was that it was scary. I had screamed thought out the whole movie Nathan and Dean just laughed at me they were so mean it really was scary. After we watched the movie they told me that my first day of school was tomorrow and I couldn't wait.

Running away from a dreadful home to end up living with vampires (completed)Where stories live. Discover now