Do I recommend?

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Here is the chapter for those of you that have not watched "The 100" just yet. You probably have one simple question: would I recommend it?

Well, yes. Of course, it isn't for everyone. "The 100" has always struck me as a teen show. That isn't to say that pre-teens can't watch it, but you need to have a certain level of maturity. And I do know of adults that have found it enjoyable, but in my experience that hasn't been very common. Somewhere between the early teens and mid-twenties is probably the best audience for this show.

If you are a fan of futuristic or post-apocalyptic shows, at least try it out. Warning, though. The first few episodes of Season 1 might not be easy to get through. However, Season 2 is well worth the more cheesy or boring parts at the beginning. I can promise you that. In fact, I had a friend that took months to get through Season 1 and claimed that she hated the show. Fast-forward to now and she finally made it to Season 2 . . . She binge-watched seven episodes in one day. That coming from a girl that detested the first season. It gets better, my friends.

If you like character-driven shows versus plot-driven shows, you've come to the right place. The second half of the first season and all of the second season especially really focus on character development. I look back and am amazed at how far each character has come. Don't worry though, there will be plenty of action and suspense to grab you if you are more of a plot-driven show kind of person.

As for the ratings, it's fairly appropriate. There's the rare bit of sexual content (no nudity), mild swearing, a decent amount of gore, same-sex relationship(s), and some sensitive subjects (like suicide, torture, etc). I don't think that any of it is too mature for anyone the age of thirteen or older (unless you are very sensitive) and is probably appropriate for people a bit younger, too. Like I said, it depends on your maturity.

Overall, I'd recommend it for those of you that are a fan of futuristic, character-driven plotlines and are willing to be a little patient (as you wait for it to get good). This show really grabbed me and despite the bad start it had, there's no doubt that it has been, at the very least, entertaining.

At the top I have a picture of "The 100" Season 1 cover and the trailer for Season 1! Definitely watch it so that you can get a feel for the show. I don't think it is the best representation of the show, but it's at least something. If you'd like to see an alternative trailer (which I think plays it off as being your typical teenage CW show, hence why I didn't feature it) I've linked it to this chapter. Thanks so much for reading!

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