My Favourite Scenes/Quote: Part 2

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Here it is: part two. This chapter will focus on Season 2 of "The 100". I have the comic-con sizzle up top if you're interested because that is quite a good video featuring many of my favourite scenes. I hope you enjoy and don't grow too annoyed because I have a lot of "favourite" moments.

1. Season 2, Episode 1

Murphy finds a wounded Raven in the dropship. As they get to talking Murphy tells Raven the story about how he had the flu and his father stole medicine for him. He got floated and his mother started drinking. Her last words to him were that Murphy killed his father.

I really, really love this scene. Why? Because it is the first time any backstory whatsoever is revealed for Murphy. And it really was quite heartbreaking. It was also a great moment between Raven and Murphy because I think that, even though he shot her, she sympathized with him. I didn't like Murphy before that, but I started changing my mind about him.

2. Season 2, Episode 2

In order to save Lincoln from the grounders, Octavia takes Niko as a hostage.

This is such a badass moment for Octavia, one of the first key events that led to her dramatic character change. It was a stark contrast from the girl at the beginning of Season 1 and I respected her about ten times more. Plus, Marie Avgeropoulos is just incredible and her acting doesn't cease to amaze me.

3. Season 2, Episode 2

Raven finds out that she is a cripple. Finn talks to her and Raven tells her to go after their friends.

Another great performance from Lindsey Morgan. I felt so heartbroken for her because she obviously felt hopeless. I think it's great that they have a strong character that is disabled, though, and Lindsey plays the part so well. Plus, when she told Finn to go after the rest of the 100 it was very touching. The fact that Raven could be so selfless made me love her more than I did in Season 1.

4. Season 2, Episode 2

Jaha doesn't want to go on to Earth when he realizes that the baby he found is gone. Wells talks him into going.

"You would tell me to live." - Wells to Jaha

I think that Wells's little pep talk to his dad is what inspired Jaha to search for the City of Light, to be something more than what he initially thought he should. I only came to this realization the second time I watched the show, but it's quite an interesting part of the plot for Jaha, but it's often overlooked.

5. Season 2, Episode 2

Clarke finds all of the Grounders in the Harvest Chamber.

I'm pretty sure everyone knew something fishy was going on at Mount Weather but I didn't suspect this. It was a huge revelation and just gave me this sense of doom, like the 100 had dug them themselves into a pit even dirtier than the last. As it turns out, I was right.

6. Season 2, Episode 3

"You aren't an elected chancellor, Marcus. You only got the job because Thelonius beat you to redemption." - Abby to Marcus

I personally like this line because it's very true and it proved that Abby saw through Marcus and all that he regretted. Plus, it reminded the viewers that Marcus was not done paying for his crimes. Also, I do believe it was foreshadowing to the change that Marcus would go through later.

7. Season 2, Episode 3

Finn goes crazy with the Grounder he, Bellamy, Monroe, and Sterling held captive because he was wearing Clarke's watch. He points the gun at the grounder and even after the Grounder draws them a map, shoots him.

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