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I have finally finished the review book! It was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy now that most of my opinions on "The 100" are now out. I am finally satisfied and got the desired relief from being able to rant somewhere

"The 100" has it's faults, but for the most part I really, really love it. I think it's actually an obsession. I have never been obsessed with anything as much, not even books. I was very pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this TV show. Here's hoping that Season 3 will be just as amazing as Season 2 was, if not better! I can't wait to find out if my hopes have come true, or if I will be disappointed because my fears did. Hopefully my questions will be answered and the characters will continue to develop.

Jason Rothenberg has set the bar high with the last season. They say Season 3 will be even better, but they probably have to say that. Who knows? Maybe it is genuine. January 21st cannot come soon enough. I'll have to gather my Netflix buddies to watch the premier! 

Like I've said in the past, if you have not watched the show, please check out my "Do I Recommend?" chapter so you can make a decision. And if you have any opinions, interpretations, or overall comments of your own I'd be overjoyed to hear them, even if you are reading this three years from now. Please feel free to comment. I don't bite (unless you say Bellarke has zero chemistry). 

Just kidding. (But not really.) 

I included the 2015 Comic-Con panel for "The 100" at the top if you are in desperate need of some information on Season 3 and since I've read basically every article there is about "The 100" you can ask me some questions and I'd be happy to answer them if I can. I also included one of the promtional images for Season 3 because I'm getting hyped. Thanks so much for reading this book! I really appreciate it. 

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