Chapter 12- My punk in shining armor

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“So, what’s up, mom?” I asked while sitting on the couch. My mom had waited until it was night time to talk to me. She told me she didn’t want my dad home. My dad was at a meeting.

“You never told me you didn’t apply for college!” my mom said.

“Who told you?” I asked.

“Your brother, but that’s not important. Now, now don’t get mad at him. I forced it out of him. Anyways, what do you plan on doing with your future? You can’t have a good life without getting proper education!”

“Mom, chill out! I think you’re overreacting, and if you haven’t already noticed, I don’t have a superb life! I can die any second by a freaking demon! How is that fair? Why are we the ones who can see demons, and who has the responsibility to kill them? How can I pull off college with this job?” I exclaimed pissed off.

“You could at least try! Your father and I did, now we work and we kill demons as well!”

“But you have no time for your kids or anything at all!” I yelled standing up.

“You’re lucky your father is not home right now. He would’ve gotten so angry with your rude attitude!”

“You know what, mom. I can go to a freaking community college if you want. Just shut up, and don’t lecture me!”

“Excuse me?! Are you hearing yourself? You know, ever since you’ve been dating that boy, you’ve become more… rebellious. Plus, I don’t want you to go to community college! Amy, you are smart, use it!”

“Do not bring Adrian into this!” I yelled and ran upstairs to my room. I was so pissed off. (Looking back on my old problems they seem funny compared to now.) My hands were literary shaking. I don’t even know why I’m so mad. You know what, I can’t stay here tonight. I grabbed my backpack, and emptied out the stuff from school. Yes, I still have them. I was too lazy to empty it out. I put overnight essentials in the bag, and swung it over my shoulder. I made sure I had my stake and my phone, and I wore a sweater. It was most likely chilly out, and I had changed into shorts and a tank top. I didn’t feel like changing again. Right as I opened the window and I was about to climb down-I’ve done this before- I heard a knocking on the door.

“Crap,” I muttered, and took off my backpack.

“Uh, who is it?” I asked.

“It’s me,” I heard my brother say. I went and opened the door and he walked in.

“Aiden? What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I wanted to apologize for telling Mom,” he said looking down.

“It’s cool dude. No problem,” I said, because he looked so innocent and sorry. He snorted.

“No problem? Are you serious, sis? I could hear the shouting from my room.” I chuckled nervously.

“Anyways thanks for apologizing, I appreciate it,” I said, and I meant it. I mean, my brother was never nice to me, and I wasn’t nice to him either so this was a nice change.

“You’re welcome. I don’t think it matters, but I agree with you. Mom kind of overreacted, but you weren’t so calm either,” he said. I smacked his arm playfully. He chuckled and walked out. He made me feel better, but I’m still not staying here. I climbed down the window, and started walking away from my house. Danni lives on the same street as me, but her parents are like best friends with my parents, so that’s out of the question. Adrian lives too far for me to walk. I guess I’ll just go to Elysia’s house, or Sam’s house.  They live on the same street.

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