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I sat in therapy, tapping my hands on my legs and basically feeling anxious as hell. "It's great to see you again! I'm glad you decided to give this another chance." She smile happily, then took a seat in a chair across from me. "Now, where were we?" She opened a small black binder scrolling through my file and paperwork until she said, "Ah, here we are." She clicked her pen and stared forward. "Last time we were talking about your boyf-"

"Asshole." I mumbled.

"That's not nice to say, especially since... Well, I'll show you later. What do you remember before the, um, incident." She chose her words carefully, you could tell. The way she sewed each word together was delicate, just so I don't have another freak out or as she calls them 'an episode.' Call it whatever you want, I am still mentally freaking out.

"I remember.." I closed my eyes a bit and thought back, I saw myself kissing a boy goodbye in a hospital bed because he let me go home. "I- I remember leaving a hospital." She jotted it quickly down on the paper, nodding for me to continue. "There's a boy in a hospital bed, who said I should go home and come back tomorrow." I thought harder, but was cut off by her voice.

"I'd like to show you a film." She opened a laptop in front of me to show a black screen, she clicked play and rolled a hospital film. I saw myself smiling as the boy spoke to me. I waved myself goodbye and he cuddled in bed. His face looked so familiar.
"Now, this was the night you got in the accident." I nodded, pursing my lips and waiting for her continue. "The boy in the bed.."

"Who is he?" I cut her off, too anxious now to contain myself.

"Vic, that's Kellin Quinn. Your boyfriend before you got in the accident."

Dun dun dunnnnn!
Dramatic? Huh! Huh!?
Short as shit though.
Xoxo, Alexx

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