Chapter 3

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Alisha's P.O.V

"Come over here you stupid little girl!" Says an angry looking guy.

"Please don't hurt me!" The little girl cries.

"Give me what I want and maybe I will spare you!" The man calls.

"But I can't! She's gone! I don't know how!" The little girl screams and starts to cry.

"Well, I guess you're out of luck then aren't ya?" The man says with and evil grin and laugh.

The girl starts to cry and whimper because of what was happening. And that's when I realized that little girl...was me. It was a memory I thought I burnt. But it looks like I didn't. It's still in my head.

It was a long time ago when my uncle lived with us. He was drunk and abusive. My parents went away a lot and he was the only one they could find. He was sober around them, but the minute they left he drank. I was 5 at the time. And Mike was 6. He knew what he did and asked our parents if he could go to his friends place. They always said yes. Me? Well I was to young. Mike never thought our uncle would do such a thing, to me at least, but he did. He used to slap me, scratch me, beat me up. Once he even burned me!

One day my parents came home early from a trip and wanted to surprise us. When they entered the house, they saw him drunk and punching me while I cried. Mike was trying to get him off. They called the police and they took him to jail. Obviously, my parents were happy but they didn't move. They told me I was safe and I didn't have to worry. However, he said he would come back. But it's been 11 years, no sign of him! But that doesn't mean I wasn't still hurt.

I have trust issues and stuff and let me just say, it's bad. I'm also insecure and all that, but I get all my anger out in my own...special...way. Before you think something terrible no I don't cut myself or hurt myself in any way! Well that's semi true...




What? What's that noise? Why can't I get up? What's going on?

Idiot! You blacked out remember??

Oh right! I thought to myself.

Well....wake up!

Ok ok! I said to myself.

I wake up. My heart beating faster, and sweat was dripping from my head! Probably from my nightmare. I look around and realize I am in the hospital. There was a nurse their and she smiled.

"Glad to know you're awake," she says.

"Yeah...why am I here? How long have I been out? Where's my family?" I ask.

"Oh you were really hurt and I guess the shock got to you. You've only been out a few hours. Nothing serious. They called, saying they were on a flight to Asia. And that they will be back in 2 months. But your brother came," she said.

I nodded. Typical. Of course they go to Asia. But I knew they only said 2 months so I wouldn't get worried. They are really staying there for 6 months. I over heard them talking. I sigh and look back at the nurse.

"Thank you. When may I leave?" I ask.

"Whenever you're ready. I can call your boyfriend in if you'd like?" She says.

Wait...what? Boyfriend! I don't have a boyfriend!

"Um who?" I ask confused.

She looks at her paper.

"Josh Campbell?" she says.

Oh. My. God. Josh? As in bad boy Josh?

"Uh ok..." I trailed off and he entered.

"Hey Alisha..." he says.

"Um hi?" I say or more like asked.

"How are you?" he asks.

"Why are you here?" I ask confused.

"Um, the guys and I saw you on the floor. We rushed you to the nurse, she told us to take you here," he says.

I nod. The bad boys of the school...helped me?

"Um, we may be bad boys but we do have hearts," Josh says with a slight laugh.

Dang it! I thought out loud.

"I spoke to your brother. I told him I'd take you home," Josh says.

I nod again and get out of the bed. He leads me to his car, a red convertible. I get in and he drives in silence.

"Mind telling me what happened to you at school?" Josh says breaking the silence.

"Why do you care?" I say a little harsher than I intended.

"Why do you keep dodging my questions?" He asks. I sit there silently. He smirks and we keep driving.

"It was just Rebecca," I told him.

"Patterson?" Josh asks in shock. I nod.

"Holy Jesus! You must be pretty strong because the doctors said that you almost died!" He says. I gasp. Died?! Like she almost killed me?! Oh I was gonna get her.

You can't stupid! You know if you do you will let out your secret! I say to myself.

I sigh. Yeah I'm right. We stop at my house and I get out. I say a quick thank you and run to the door. I enter the house and I see Mike running up to me. He hugs me and I let out all small ouch.

"Sorry sis! What the hell happened to you?" He asks looking at me.

"Rebecca..." I say weakly. Mike's face turns from concern to anger in a flash.

"Oh I'm gonna give it to her!" He says while walking to the door.

I grab his arm and tell him no. It will just make things worse cause she will spread a rumour saying I was an attention seeker. Which I wasn't. He sighed and obeyed me. I tell him I was tired and was going to bed. He hugged me and I went to my room. I get into my comfy pyjamas and slip into my comfortable bed. I sigh and look at the ceiling.

"Hey sis, I wanted to tell you thanks, for being with me and helping me through it, you were always my best friend," I say to myself just before I fall into a deep slumber.

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