Chapter 4: Join the club!(or die~)

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The door flung open, making Lukas and Mathias jump up in shock.
"Times up," Emil stood at the doorway.
He saw them on the floor with their arms still entwined together and a smirk began to form on his face.
"Aww you're cuddling," he teased.
"Shut up," Lukas threw a packet of instant noodles at him.
"It's kind of time to go though so get off your butts and go get ready," Emil thew the noodles at Mathias who had drifted back to sleep.
"Ouch!" he jumped up on to his feet and put the noodles back on the shelf.

After quite a few minutes of packing and finding personal belongings they were finally in the car.
Emil plugged in his headphones, he played his music at full volume and he sang pretty loud too. Apart from Emil's singing, the ride back was silent.

Once they arrived at their houses Lukas jumped out, he ran to the door, flung it open and ran into the bathroom.
He felt water running down his face, he looked up to see his reflection; a tear stained, red eyed face. Lukas sat on the toilet with a tissue and began wiping his face.

Emil walked into the house a few minutes later hauling all of their luggage. He collapsed on the hard wood floor, bags scattered around him.
"Lukas where the hell are you?!" he shouted.
Emil lifted himself up from underneath the bags then barged into the bathroom to see Lukas on the floor, crying.
"You ok?" Emil asked, crouching down beside him.
"Yeah of course I am..." Lukas retorted sarcastically.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, it- it doesn't matter ok,"
"Hm ok," he rose up from the floor and walked out of the room.

Lukas dragged himself up then began to drench his face in cool tap water.

"You sure you're ok?" Emil asked as Lukas made his way upstairs.
"Yeah yeah, don't worry about me..." he waved him off as he slammed the door to his room shut.

Lukas trudged out of the house mopily on another generically gloomy Monday morning with Emil trailing far behind him. He sprang up off his feet as he was jumped on my Mathias.
"Hiiiiii, your looking kinda miserable today!"
"I look like this all the time," he sighed in reply.
"Noooo, your mouth is usually a straight line but today it looks more like a frown,"
"Um... Ok..."
Mathias wrapped his arms around Lukas and pulled him into a tight embrace.
"You can talk to me if you want..." he whispered.
"It's nothing ok, i'm fine,"
Mathias pulled away from the hug.
"On and by the way you have a nice butt Lukas!" he groped Lukas' butt making him fly up in to the air.
"What the f*ck?!" he pulled Mathias' tie whilst he gagged 'sorry, sorry'.

They stared around the large hall, scattered around were tables surrounded with students. It was optional for students to partake in club activites though if you participate in a club extra credit will be received. Lukas had decided he wanted to gain extra credit and of course, to Lukas' dismay, Mathias enjoyed following him around so he desired to join one too.
Lukas examined each and every club there was to offer whilst trying not to explode with anger at Mathias' constant annoying queries.
"Why don't we join this one!" Mathias pointed towards the corner of the room, sat on a table was two guys, both had blonde hair though one was taller than the other and wore glasses.
"What club is it?" Lukas asked.
"I don't know, can weeeee look,"

They walked over and were greeted by the smaller one of the two guys.
"Hello welcome to Nordic club!"
"Uh what's the Nordic club?" Mathias questioned.
"We're people. From Nordic countries..." he continued.
"Yeah but what's the point of it?" queried Lukas.
"Ummm... I don't know just join our freaking club!"
"Uh why do we have to join your club?"
Lukas asked.
"I was sneaking around earlier and heard your accents, I began stalking you after to confirm my suspicions that you, Mathias, are Danish, yes?"
"Yeah..." he answered beginning to get rather creeped out.
"-and you, Lukas, are Norwegian, am I correct?"
"Yes... How do you know this?" Lukas was also beginning to get creeped out.
"Oh I know everything..." he giggled slightly.
"-oh yeah I haven't introduced myself, I'm Tino and this is Berwald! Welcome to our club!"
"We never said we were joining your-" Lukas began.
"Oh you are and Emil too~"
"Ok fine, we better be going now,"
"We meet everyday in room 202 at 3:10pm, don't be late!" Tino waved, jumping up and down.

"So I have to join this stupid club..." Emil moaned at the news.
"Yeah you haven't met that dude yet he scared the sh*t outta me and we do not want to dissobey him-," Mathias replied.
"He knows our names, where we live and our nationalities... Be afraid, be very afraid," he continued, pretending to shiver.
"What?! Really?!" Emil looked pretty shocked at this information.
"Yeah he came up to me again and whispered 'I know where you live'," Lukas tuned into the conversation.
"He's pretty insistent we join this club..."

Not as much this time but yeah i kinda made Tino seem like a total psychopath whoops XD Yeah anyway I wanted to save 'club activites' until the next chapter cause idk reasons XD I will try to update as soon as possible byyee~

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