Chapter 13

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"Oh my god, what are you doing?" Grace exclaimed as she entered my room, nearly dropping the tray she'd been carrying when she spotted me. "Are you crazy? Get back to bed this instant."

Caught like a deer in headlights, the only response I had was to cast her a guilty grin. After yesterday's talk with Jade, I'd had a fitful night with very little sleep. My mind had been a whir with mercurial thoughts. Tossing and turning, I'd eventually managed to slip into a chaotic slumber, only to be plagued by the most obscure of dreams.

It had been that which had roused me early in the morning. Even though I'd pulled the covers over my head, I'd been unable to get back to sleep or even remember any of what I'd seen; all I was left with was a lingering sense of misgiving. The whole situation had me rattled, and to make matters worse, my mood had continued to be unpredictable.

On the one hand, I kept finding myself inexplicably overjoyed whenever the memory of Lyla crossed my mind. However, almost instantaneously I'd be fuming as I recalled Ally's treachery; how she'd not only used me, but then tried to murder me.

Not tried, but succeeded; I thought bitterly as the previous apathy I'd felt was replaced with indignation.

To distract myself from such dark thoughts, I'd unthinkingly swung my legs over the side of my bed, thinking a glass of water would be nice. It was only after I'd taken about five steps that I realized I felt fine. More than that actually; after carefully walking back and forth -making sure to stay close to the rails of my bed should I lose my balance- I realized that I felt like I could run a marathon.

"How are you even standing right now?" Grace gaped, rushing over as if she thought I might swoon at any minute.

"With my legs," I replied happily. "You see, people tend to use them for things like that. Standing, walking, dancing, swim-"

"I'm serious," she cut in, taking my arm and gently leading me back to the bed. I complied, but only because she did genuinely appear distressed. "After all you've been through, Sage, I honestly don't understand how you're even alive, much less walking right now."

I didn't have an answer for her. Though I knew I had to eventually start getting used to it, I was going to hold out as long as I could before I had to tell an open-faced lie.

"I just feel better," I finally said after I'd pulled the covers back over me. There, that was certainly true. No need to lie just yet. "Grace-face, you don't have to keep worrying about me."

"Of course I do, I-wait, what did you call me?" she asked, her eyes wide and expectant.

"Grace-face? Sorry, I'll stop if it bothers you."

"No, it's not that," she assured me. "It's just that ever since our own initiation, you and Dan have been the only ones that ever call me that. I don't know, I guess I was hoping you might've remembered something."

I shook my head. "No, nothing yet."

"It's okay, I'm sure it'll all come back when you least expect it."

"That's what everyone keeps saying," I agreed, trying to stay optimistic.

"Where's Dan by the way? It's not like him to be far from you."

"Meeting with Banks," I answered as I began to dig into the tray of food she'd brought me. "Said he'd be back soon."

At the news, Grace pursed her lips. "Well, I guess that explains him, but why are you up so early?"

Where do I even start? I sighed. "Too much to think about."

"I understand, you must be feeling overwhelmed," she nodded sympathetically. "Is there anything I can do?"

Inextricable: A Divergent FanFiction (Book Three) ©Where stories live. Discover now