Chapter Eleven

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Carson’s POV

Vic Fuentes was in my room. I’m horribly awkward and I don’t know what to say, and Vic is in my room.

Dinner went great, my dad finally opened up and I can tell he likes Vic. But then he had to go and open his mouth and tell us to go upstairs. I don’t know what I’d been expecting, but I guess since my dad was “best friends” with Vic’s dad, he was more comfortable with us hanging out.


It actually was great news, since I had decided to give this thing a go. By “this thing” I mean I was going to see where things could go with Vic.

Awkwardness aside, Vic and I ended up having a pretty good time. We mostly just talked and got to know each other more, since we’d only known each other a few days. It wasn’t as bad as I’d thought, being alone with Vic. He was really sweet and he seemed to actually care about what I was saying. In turn I listened to him talk a little about himself, mostly about his music. He seemed so passionate about it, and I could see how happy it made him.

That was the day everything really started between him and I. After that, we were inseparable. Sure, we both hung out with other people from the group as well, but we were always together during that time. He was really the first person I’d known here, and so we accompanied each other everywhere. For the first few weeks, there was no more kissing or anything physical besides hugs, but I was fine with that. I wanted things to start off slow, and it was working perfectly. We would flirt and maybe cuddle, but nothing heavy. It was nice to be able to be alone with a guy without worrying anymore, but still I worried about getting too attached. I didn’t want to make the same mistake of becoming too comfortable too quickly, and then being unable to leave when things turned wrong. But something told me Vic would never do that, because he was my best friend. And no matter what, he was always my best friend before everything.

One day, a month to the day of when I’d moved here, Vic and I sat up in my room. He sat cross legged on the floor, sifting through my CD’s. I was watching him, biting my lip absent-mindedly. He glanced up at me suddenly, smiling brightly. “What ?” I questioned, confused by his sudden gaze. He looked down, swallowing “Do you ever…do you ever think about when we kissed ?”

The question caught me off guard, and I definitely blushed. “Uh…yeah. Sometimes. Don’t you ?” Well duh, I scolded myself. He had to have at some point or he wouldn’t be talking about it now. The truth was, though, that I thought about it every night before bed. I wouldn’t admit it, even to myself, but I still had a crush on Vic. There were definitely romantic feelings there, and every day they grew stronger. I felt more for him than anyone in the past, including Jacob, and I couldn’t figure out how that could be. I didn’t want to mess everything up though, I could settle for just being best friends.

If I didn’t see Vic or hang out with him every day anymore, I don’t know what I’d do.

He chuckled a little, “Yeah, I think about it every now and then. I, uh, I still have a crush on you. Does that make things weird ? I just felt like I should tell you, that you deserved to know…Um, I meant it when I said I’d wait for you….”

This was all so sudden, was he being serious ? “I’ll keep that in mind. Um, I’m not saying that I don’t still have a crush on you and I’m not saying that I do ?” My statement sounded like a question, and I cringed at my awkwardness. Again, a light chuckle from him “So you admit that you had a crush on me, then ?” I nodded, moving next to him, our backs against the end of the bed. “Yeah, it was pretty obvious. Remember that day when I pulled you out of class ?” I laughed, embarrassed, but trying to play it off. Vic looked at me with that amazing smile, “Hell yeah I remember that. No one knows about that, to this day.” “Really ?” I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his grin. He seemed to lean in a little, “Yep. I guess it’ll just be our….little…secret.” He was really close to me now, and his voice had dropped to a whisper. His face just mere inches from mine, I lifted my gaze into his honey brown eyes. I lifted my finger to my lips, making a “shhh” motion. God I was so bad at flirting. He gently removed my finger from my lips, and replaced it with his lips.

If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

— Lemony Snicket

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