Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I opened my eyes expectantly, confused. Vic was fighting on the ground with Mike, hardcore wrestling. “Guys !” I shrieked. Justin pulled Vic off, and Austin held Mike back.

“Let’s head back,” Rian said, and Vic nodded. I walked next to him the entire way, trying to get my hand to graze his and give him a hint. I could hear kissing noises being made behind us, the guys mocking us the entire time. My face was crimson, but the dark hid it well. “Sorry about that,” Vic whispered. “It’s okay,” I assured him. We arrived at his garage again, and I collapsed onto the couch. I listen to the guys’ casual banter for a while before I nodded off. My head hit something warm, and I cuddled closer to it. I was so goddamn tired, I didn’t think about where I was at the time, or whose shoulder I was on.

Sometime later, someone was shaking me awake.“Viiiic, stop.” I muttered. He helped me off the couch, and I leaned against him, desperate for his warm embrace. I could use my tiredness to my advantage, and play it off like I was too tired to walk on my own. I yawned, hamming it up.  “You guys wore me out,” I accused. Vic laughed , “No, you little lady, are the handful.” “What do you mean ?” I questioned him. “I’m going to have to beat all my friends off of you with a stick, haven’t you seen the way they look at you and act around you ? They all really like you, and more than half of them as more than a friend…”  My eyes widened, “No way. That’s not true !” I glanced away, muttering to myself “I like someone else anyway.”  “Is he cute ?” Vic asked jokingly. Shit, he wasn’t supposed to hear that…“Yes, now shut up.”

We walked the rest of the way in silence, and I dreaded when he would leave. He walked me to my porch, helping me up the step. We stood in awkward silence for a moment before I spoke “Today was really fun.” He smiled, “Yeah, yeah it was.” I turned to go inside when he grabbed my wrist. “Wait !” I turned back around, “Uh, yeah ?” I was silenced by his lips on mine.

I had not been expecting it at all, so it took me a second to react. His hand was warm on my cheek, and I leaned in closer to him, stretching on my tippy toes to reach his mouth better. His lips moved expertly around mine, and I shaped my own around his. The kiss was both sexy and romantic, as the wind blew both our hair and the stars shined above. Headlights broke our little rendezvous, and I realized it was my parents car, pulling into the driveway.

My dad stepped out, “Now who is this young man ?” Vic blushed crimson, I swear to you. “Uh, I’m uh…I’m Victor Fuentes sir.” He stepped forward to shake my father’s hand. “He’s Vic,” I answered as my mom winked at me from behind my dad’s back. She was more accepting of social things like this than my dad. “Why don’t you come inside for a minute, Victor ?” My dad motioned grandly toward the door. I groaned, “Uh, dad ? It’s kind of late, and we have school tomorrow.” Vic glanced gratefully at me. My dad looked from me to Vic, then spoke. “Great, then he can come over for dinner tomorrow.”

As soon as my parents and I entered the house, I was bombarded with questions. “Is that your boyfriend ?” “Why were you out so late with a boy ?” “Did you guys hang out ?” I answered them all at once, “No, because we weren’t just alone, and yes. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m rather tired and would like to go to bed. Goodnight.”

I wasn’t all that tired anymore, not after the adrenaline from that kiss. I just wanted time to process what had happened and think about some things. I got changed and climbed into bed, settling under the covers. Moonlight streamed in my window, and I turned on some soft music to calm me. Could I really let someone in again after Jacob ? I didn’t want to try and risk hurting Vic, that wouldn’t be fair at all. But truthfully, I was scared to go through that again, not that Vic would hurt me that way, but emotionally. The whole relationship process, really.

I don’t think I can do this, was my last thought as I drifted off.

“Ask most people what they want out of life and the answer is simple - to be happy. Maybe it’s this expectation though of wanting to be happy that just keeps us from ever getting there. Maybe the more we try to will ourselves to states of bliss, the more confused we get to the point where we don’t recognize ourselves. Instead, we just keep smiling trying to be the happy people we wish we were until it eventually hits us. It’s been there all along. Not in our dreams or our hopes, but in the known, the comfortable, the familiar.” 

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