Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Vic’s POV

We arrived at the park in a bundle of bodies and noise. I climbed onto the play-scape with Kellin, and Austin, Alan, Mike, Rian, Zack, and the others soon joined us. The cigarette pack circled around, and I lit one up, glancing over to find Carson. I saw her blonde hair among Jaime, Jack, Tony and Alex. There was no room and no way for me to get over to her, so I just let her be. Their group was silent, while mine cracked jokes and just generally acted obnoxious. I couldn’t stop looking over at them, worried that maybe Alex or Jack would make a move on her. Tony and Jaime knew how I felt about her, we had all had a discussion on it, but I wasn’t sure if Alex and Jack did. And I knew her and Jack were close, which meant she had to in turn be close with Alex, since they were a team. And Alex wasn’t hard on the eyes….

We smoked countless cigarettes, the smoke filling the tiny space between all of us guys. Phil got up and jumped on Jaime, in turn causing a riot among everyone. We started running around manically, jumping on people and crashing into them, hollering and screaming. Austin picked me up and swung me around, he had a habit of doing that, since I was so little compared to him. Well, compared to anyone really. I saw Alan tickling Carson, and Tino joining in. Justin mowed me down, and I landed on the bridge of the play-scape in a laughing fit. I jumped to the ground to scare Kellin, then climbed back up the ladder. It was getting late now, nearing nine-thirty, but none of us cared. We were seventeen, and our parents knew they couldn’t stop us. I saw Carson standing alone on the bridge, and I crept up behind her, my arms sliding around her waist. I pulled her against me, and she nuzzled her head on my chest. “Vic ?” She murmured, and I laughed. “How did you know ?” I flipped her around to face me, and her face was closer to mine than I expected. It was tilted up to mine, and her eyes locked with mine for a brief second. My breath washed over her, and her hot breath made me shiver with anticipation. It was the breath before a kiss.

I placed a hand on the small of her back, and leaned down. She closed her eyes at the same time as me, and I prepared to kiss the girl I had a massive crush on.

Suddenly, hands around my waist jerked me backwards from behind. “What the fuck ?” I cursed. I couldn’t see who it was, and I blindly began hitting them. Mike’s throaty laugh responded, and I turned around, punching him over and over. “What the hell dude ?” We jumped off together, and started wrestling in the grass. We weren’t going to hurt each other, but that didn’t stop us from acting as if it was real. Someone broke up the fight, and pulled us off one another.

“Let’s head back,” Rian said, and I agreed. Carson appeared next to me, and we walked together the whole way. I was itching to hold her hand, but I knew I’d catch hell from the guys, they were already making kissy noises behind us. “Sorry about that,” I apologized to her, but she told me she didn’t mind. We headed back into the garage, the warm air and the rosy lighting making it even more inviting. I took a seat on the couch and she sat down next to me,  casually scooting closer. The guys and I all started chatting, and Carson just sat there quietly, listening. I felt her head on my shoulder, and I realized she had fallen asleep. I looked at the clock,  and realized an hour had passed. Her parents were probably worried about her, and it was a school night. “Sorry to be the party pooper, but we should probably pack it up guys.” I announced, looking around the room. Carson still hadn’t stirred. Jaime noticed she was asleep and starting cooing over her, so of course the others did too. I shushed them and waved them out, and they started their walks home. We all lived within four blocks of each other, so it wasn’t a big deal. Mike simply shrugged and headed inside, leaving me alone with Carson. I gently woke her up, and she batted my hand away sleepily.  “Viiiic, stop.” She murmured. I chuckled lightly, “It’s time for you to go home. C’mon, I’ll walk you.” I pulled her off the couch by one arm. She leaned heavily on me, yawning. “You guys wore me out,” She accused. I laughed loudly, “No, you little lady, are the handful.” “What do you mean ?” She asked me, confused. “I’m going to have to beat all my friends off with a stick, didn’t you see the way they looked at you and acted around you ? They all really like you, and more than half of them as more than a friend…” Her eyes grew big, “No, that’s not true.” She looked away, muttering “I like someone else anyway…” “Is he cute ?” I joked, hoping but not really believing she could be referring to me. She blushed, “Yes, now shut up.”

We arrived at her house, and I didn’t want her to leave. I reminded myself I’d see her in the morning, and felt reassured. I took a deep breath once we reached her porch. She said her goodbye’s and turned to go inside, but I grabbed her arm. Was I really about to do this ? “Wait.”  I moved my hand to the side of her face, stepped forward, and pressed my lips to hers.

“Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, and regret can last for a lifetime.”

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