Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Vic’s POV

Bright lights shown on us, breaking the moment. We pulled away, and I realized her parents were home. Carson’s father stepped out first, “Now who is this young man ?” I was so embarrassed that I wanted to shrink and disappear. My face turned beet red, and I struggled for words. “I’m um, I’m Victor Fuentes, sir.” I walked toward him and shook his hand. “He’s Vic,” I heard Carson state from behind me. “Why don’t you come inside for a minute, Victor ?” her dad asked me. The question was more of a command, and my palms began to sweat. Damn, I was so nervous right now. “Uh, dad ? It’s kind of late, and we have school tomorrow.” Carson piped up. I shot her a grateful look, and she nodded at me. Her dad looked from me to her, then consented. “Great, then he can come over for dinner tomorrow.”

My heart dropped into my stomach- I was much too awkward for this. I had barely any dating experience, I had no idea what to do or say around people’s parents unless I knew them well. Did her parents think we were together ? Were we together  ? One kiss hardly qualified as dating, but I mean I had met her parents and I was coming to her house for dinner….even though both were accidental.

I ended the night more confused than before.

My stomach was churning all morning as I got ready. My mind kept replaying the night before over and over. I kept picturing Carson smiling as she watched our set, then her sleeping on me, and then kissing her. That was definitely one of the best things that had ever happened to me, it was amazing…I had honestly felt something during that kiss, and I hoped she did too. We hadn’t talked all night after that, and I worried about seeing her this morning. I speed-walked to our meeting spot, trying to act normal and slow my breathing. To my surprise, Carson was already there. “Hey,” I gave her a little wave and hoped I looked and sounded normal. “Sorry about last night,” She blurted out. I looked at her, shrugging, trying to appear more casual than I felt “S’okay. Not a big deal. But uh, I’m sorry too….for um, kissing you…” She looked surprised that I had acknowledged the elephant in the room. We began to walk together, and she said “Don’t be sorry…it was…it was great.” Her cheeks held a faint color. My hand felt all tingly, like the night before when I’d wanted to hold her hand. I didn’t want to move too fast and scare her away, so I refrained.

 Third hour and lunch were uneventful, just me trying not to stare too obviously at Carson. School seemed to drag on, and by the time fourth hour rolled around, I’d about had it. Just when I was about to start tearing my hair out, my phone lit up with a text from Carson. It read “Meet me in the hallway, five minutes.”

I waited the required amount of time, then got a pass from my teacher. I was curious to what could be going on that she couldn’t just text me about it. I walked out into the hall to find it empty. I texted her and asked her where she was, and she instructed me to go around the corner and wait outside the bathrooms. I shrugged and complied. As I turned the corner, someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled my roughly. My back hit the wall, and I was faced with…Carson ?

“Shh” She put a finger to my lips and giggled. She tiptoed to the side door and pulled me with her. She opened the door and rushed out, to the tree near the side of the building. There were no windows near it, so there was no chance of us being caught. “What is it, is something wrong ?” I asked her. She shook her head no. “I’ve just been thinking about last night.” She bit her lip. “About our kiss….and I wanna…feel that again…” I couldn’t believe my ears. Carson was basically admitting that she liked me back. “Are you serious ?” I questioned her, sounding dumb even to myself. I sounded like an eager little boy. She giggled again, and nodded. I stepped closer to her, tentative. My lips found hers once again, and it was like the world faded away.

I forgot all about being in school and going back to class, I just did what felt right. And what felt right was kissing the girl I liked.

Eventually Carson pulled away “Shit ! Vic, we have to go back to class !” Honestly, class was the farthest thing from my mind, but I did need to go back. I reluctantly shuffled back inside after her. I mumbled an excuse about helping another staff member to my teacher, and somehow she believed it. The rest of the day, I was completely zoned out, I couldn’t focus on anything. She was the only thing on my mind….

The walk home was normal, since this time the guys accompanied us. I hadn’t told anyone, not even Mike, about what happened last night, much less today. I kept sneaking glances at Carson, but she never looked my way. I wondered if I had done something wrong, or if she was just playing it cool in front of the others. Maybe I was just being paranoid…

We walked her to her house, then headed home. I told her to text me, meaning about when I should come over for dinner, but all I received was a nod. I was more than a little put-off now, but I tried to ignore the gnawing feeling in my stomach.

“Too often, the thing you want most is the thing you can’t have. Desire leaves us heartbroken, it wears us out. Desire can wreck your life.”

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