Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Vic’s POV

I walked aimlessly around the neighborhood, thinking about my fight with Mike. Mike’s my younger brother, and we had an argument over new lyrics I had written. We’re in a band with our best friends Jaime and Tony, but we aren’t popular or anything, in fact, we’re only a couple weeks old, and we haven’t had our first gig yet. One day though, we’re going to change the world.

I kicked a plastic cup out of my way, and the loud sound of a sudden honk made me turn around. A girl about my age was jumping out of the way of a passing car. She looked scared, so I decided to go make sure she was alright. When I got closer, I took a good look at her- I think she was the new girl the whole school had been talking about. She was from Detroit or somewhere, and damn….she was beautiful. She was pretty short and small, but with large, dark grey/blue eyes and medium length blonde curls, it didn’t matter. She had a small crystal nose stud and a black lip ring, giving her a different sort of prettiness. “Are you okay ?” I asked her, my arm outstretched in a peaceful way; I didn’t want her thinking I was a thug or something.

“Yeah, thanks. I’m new to this place, I guess I just didn’t see him. I’m kind of lost…” She admitted.“Oh, I think I’ve heard a little about you,” I gave her a shy smile. Her face reddened, and I mentally scolded myself, now she would think people were trash talking about her.“Only good things !” I assured her smoothly.“What street do you live on ? I’ll help you find it.” I wanted to make it up to her so badly, so I pushed my nerves aside. Man up Vic, I scolded myself.“Sycamore.” She told me with a friendly smile.

God, that smile.

We strolled along, our steps in sync with one another. I subtly tried to find out more about her, asking her what school she would be going to, things like that. I was pleased to inform her that we lived only one block away, and she seemed happy about it as well. I hoped I wasn’t imagining her smiles and genuine interest, because I desperately wanted to be her friend. I wanted her to like me, unlike so many others.

I walked her right up to her house, a huge white one near the end of the block. My house was in almost the exact same spot, one street over. She headed inside, then turned around and called out to me “See you tomorrow ?”  I nodded at her, “Do you walk to school ?” A sudden plan had hit me, an excuse to see her again. She nodded, and I said “Great, meet me tomorrow at…7:15. On the corner between our streets, okay ?” She agreed, and gave little wave. I hoped I hadn’t sounded too eager, I was trying so hard to play it cool. She was so confident and friendly, I wish I could act like that. Hell, I wish I could be okay in any social situation at all, aside from the ones with my friends.

I made my way home to apologize to Mike before band practice started. We reached a compromise, and when Jaime and Tony arrived, I excitedly told them about my encounter with the new girl. They all teased me about it, calling her my “girlfriend.” I honestly didn’t have many interactions with girls, not too many of them liked me. It was embarrassing that my younger brother got more girls than me, but I guess I’m just not the dating type. Not like Mike was either, but hey, you take what you can get. My friends and I weren’t exactly losers, but we weren’t considered popular. We hung out with a regular crowd that was actually pretty large, but we were still considered average on the popularity rank. I was determined to make the new neighbor a part of our group, and maybe the guys could get some other girls to join in. I suddenly realized that I hadn’t even asked the new girl her name, and I mentally kicked myself. I hadn’t told her my name either, I hoped she didn’t think I was rude, I was just nervous. Way to go, Vic, way to go.

In the morning, my stomach was filled with butterflies as I walked to the corner, five minutes early, just in case. Tony, Mike, and Jaime took a different route today, I didn’t want to freak her out. My heart jumped when I saw her emerge from her house, and I stood there awkwardly staring. She approached me with a smile and a wave. “I never got your name yesterday, I’m sorry.” I could feel my cheeks heat up. “Y-yeah,  my names Vic, sorry about that. What’s yours ?” “Well, Vic, I’m Carson, Carson Grey.” “It’s a pleasure Ms. Grey,” I told her, bowing jokingly. She giggled, and my butterflies intensified. We began the journey to school, side by side.

I showed her to her locker, then her first hour class. My own class was just two doors down, so I told her I’d wait for her after it finished. I had one of the nicest teachers in the school for first hour English, but the entire hour I kept hoping Carson was alright, starting at a new school was tough, especially a high school. I glanced at the clock incessantly, counting down the minutes. I told myself I was just worried about my new friend, but I think deep down I knew even then that I had a crush on her already.

“Though I deny it and hide behind bawdy talk about autonomy and being a “lone wolf,” something in me wants to fall in love. I feel this. Something in me wants to be chosen by another person. I want to be somebody’s somebody.” 

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