The waiting game...

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Jason walked in half an hour later, "hey babe." He said as he walked to me then leaned down and kissed my forehead. I locked my phone and looked up at him.

"Hey. How's studying going?" I asked as he sat down beside me and took my hand in his.

He rolled his eyes, "not so great. I feel like I'm just gonna go in and fail tomorrow. I just, ugh it sucks. How's your day been?" Jason asked.

"You won't fail. Just remember everything that Lee has taught you and stay focused. My day has been pretty hectic. I got the new bed sheets today that we ordered. You should see them, they are so soft. Um I had a 'disagreement' with Lee." I sighed after the last bit.

He frowned, "what's been going on with you both lately? You's used to be so close and every since he's started dating Kaley you two have barely spoke and when you do it's like you argue." He let go of my hand and put it around my shoulders, pulling me to him.

"I don't know. It's just like he's completely changed. Maybe I should speak to him about it, do you think it could be Kaley?" I bit my lip.

"Maybe, I mean I know that when I was with her it seemed like I became distant to everyone. She's a very demanding person." Jason said and I heard my phone bleep. I looked down at it on my lap and saw that Shannon had accepted my friend request.

I smiled and then looked at Jason, "I think I might have solved the problem. Alright can you just sort out the internet cause this is using up my data." I jumped up and rushed out the room whilst clutching my phone.

I walked in to our bedroom and sat down on the bed and opened up my messenger. I opened a new message to Shannon.

'Hey, I'm not sure if you'll remember me (Lee Carter's twin sister.) I know you two didn't exactly end well but we recently moved back home and I really need to see you. It's important.' I read over it a few times before pressing send.

Hopefully I can solve everything. I mean how could Lee pick Kaley over Shannon? Shannon is much nicer. I opened up her profile picture and saw her standing with another girl in dresses. She looked beautiful.

I opened up the box of photo's that Lee had put in here and took out a few. I had to get some photo albums to put these all in. I began looking through them all, me and Lee when we were around four or five, Mason when he first came home from the hospital, me and Jason as kids.

My phone pinged and I dropped the photos and lifted it up. 'Have you got a number I can call you on?' She had replied to my message. I smiled to myself as I typed my phone number to her.

It was two or three minutes later when the phone rang and I accepted it, "hey Maisie. How are you?" She asked sweetly.

"I'm great thanks. Actually, I've been having some trouble with Lee." I sighed.

"I'm glad to hear you guys are back, I haven't been round that way since you left. What seems to be the problem?" She asked.

I looked at the photo in front of me and Lee on our tenth birthday. "He's got involved with this girl and she's poison. He's decided not to go to university and everything. I just don't know what to do." I muttered.

"Oh that's terrible. How can I help? I don't want to think of Lee not succeeding." She said sadly.

"Well..." I paused. How did I say this? "I think as soon as he sees you he's gonna fall straight back in to your arms. Is there anyway you could get here like tomorrow?" I blurted out.

She chuckled, "I'll be able to drive down tomorrow night. I have a photo shoot at three that might take a while. I can get there for nine?" She suggested.

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