Beer fight?

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When we walked in to the club, it was a lot different from what I thought it would be like. It was still only two o'clock so I wasn't expecting it to be busy but it was also bare looking inside.

The four of us stood in the middle of the club and Trip grinned, "let's get set up then" he moved and turned on some music.

"What do you want us to do?" Holly asked.

"Okay Jason, sort out the alcohol please and make sure we have spares handy. Holly, you mop the floor and make sure all the tables are sparkling. Me and you can clean the store room out." Trip said the last bit to me.

I looked at Jason's annoyed face and I could tell he wasn't happy that I was spending more time with Trip. I glanced back at Trip and nodded.

The store room was almost spotless when we walked in, "um Trip? I don't think we need to clean in here?" I spoke as he closed the door behind me.

"I wanted to get you alone a second. Listen I don't know if you have felt it too but I feel a connection between us, I really want to take you out" he took my hand and put it in his chest.

I continued to stare at him for a few seconds. Did I feel a connection? Yes he was attractive but I don't know if there was any spark there. "I think we should just focus on being friends" I muttered awkwardly.

I moved my hand back down to my side and he ran his hands through his hair. "One dinner and if you still want to be friends then we shall be friends" he grinned.

I turned my head when the door opened to see Jason standing in the doorway, "I have to change the barrel" he said. He looked almost proud that he walked in on us, maybe he had been listening. "It's pretty clean in here, I need help out there if you are up for it, Mas" Jason said as he moved a few boxes around.

I looked at Trip as he crossed his arms over his chest, "dude, we are kind of in the middle of something" he muttered angrily.

I watched as Jason moved a few tubes around as he stayed silent, "I probably should go see if Holly's okay" I said, wanting out of here as soon as possible. The tension between the boys was thick.

"No, it's okay. We'll just wait" Trip reached out and took my hand.

"That's me. Sorry guys" Jason said amused and he walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Anyway, so one dinner and then we can see where we stand after that? I'm not really in to the whole dating thing but you don't seem like the type to sleep with me after a few drinks" he smirked.

"Do you think it's a good idea to go on a date? You know it will just mess up things with our friendship with Jason" I replied.

"Who cares? Maisie, I'm not trying to be mean but this isn't about Jason. This has nothing to do with Jason" he said angrily.

"I know but-" I was cut off when the large barrel in the corner began squishing out beer everywhere, covering both me and Trip.

I squealed as it continued to soak both of us and I stepped away, Jason and Holly both rushed in. Holly ran to me and looked at me. "Is that beer?" She asked.

Trip moved over and done something to it to make it stop. "Didn't you connect the thing, Jason?" He yelled.

I could see Jason was hiding an amused expression as he shrugged his shoulders. He done this.

"What the fuck!?" I yelled angrily. I looked down at my drenched clothes.

"My bad. I guess I just don't understand how you do it" Jason stepped in and walked to the barrel. Trip rolled his eyes walked to me.

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