Date night.

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I put a strand of hair behind my ear and checked one last time to see that my make up was perfect. I lifted my phone and went in to the messages.

I clicked Jason's name and I began writing a message 'catching a ride with Nate and Lee so don't worry about me this morning' I hoovered over the send button. I had to keep my distance like I said I would but I just didn't want to let him go.

I pressed send and slammed my phone back down on the bathroom counter. Today I was wearing boyfriend jeans, white converse and a black blouse with lacy white trims. My hair was placed in a messy side pleat down my shoulder and my make up was natural.

I picked up my bag on my way out of my room and I bumped in to Lee, "oh hey, you don't mind me catching a lift, do you?" I smiled politely.

"No Jason this morning?" He questioned and I shook my head. He looked at me suspiciously but I ignored it and made my way down the stairs and he followed me.

I walked straight for the kitchen and began making some toast, a few minutes later my little brother strolled in followed by Lee and Nate.

I pressed a button on my phone so it would light up so I could see if Jason had replied but there was nothing. Maybe he hasn't had chance to look at his phone yet.

"You look ravishing this morning, Maisie" Nate said in a posh tone.

I chuckled, "don't try and fool us, Nate. We all know you aren't half as posh as that" He frowned and stole my toast out my hand and took a bite, "are we ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on or else we're gonna be late, we need to pick up a message before going to school" Lee said and I stood from the table and put my bag over my shoulder and we all walked out, leaving Mason to make his own breakfast.

"What sort of message?" I asked as we stepped out the house and made our way to Nate's white car.

"Pills" Nate smirked and my mouth fell open. Lee shot him a death glare and then rolled his eyes.

I got in the back seat and Nate got in the drivers, leaving Lee to go in the passenger. "Why do you need pills?" I asked in shock.

"Some for personal use and some for selling. You interested?" Nate enquired as he started up the car.

"Hey, don't say that to my sister." Lee said seriously. "We just want to make a little money. Just stay out of it, okay?" He ordered.

I nodded and stared out the window as we made our way down the busy streets. We only went three blocks when we turned in to a street and stopped outside a small house.

"I'll go" Lee said and climbed out, I watched as he strolled up the path.

"So it appears you and Holly seemed to be getting on well. Do Holly and Jason still get together?" Nate asked and my mouth dropped a little.

Oh no. "I don't think so" I said casually. Oh god, my heart was pounding in my chest, if it wasn't for the radio I would be sure that Nate would have heard it.

Why did I feel betrayal? I felt cheated and as if I had been stabbed in the back by the people I cared about most.

"Oh yeah, he's going with that Kaley girl. Yeah she's alright, looks a little high maintenance but I'm sure he tames her. He seems like an okay guy" Nate commented and I rolled my eyes.

"As much as I'm adoring this conversation, something else maybe? What about you? Have you been seeing anyone?" I just tried to change the subject.

I glanced at Lee as he handed over the money before stuffing some in to his pocket. "Why, are you offering?" Nate smirked.

"Not in a million years" I muttered.

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