Chapter Five

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Third Person:

Jasmine stumbled down the stairs of her own home. She was shoved and pushed until they made it to a small, white boat. They rode out on the water far. Too far for anyone to see or hear Jasmine.

"I swear I didn't see anything." Jasmine told the men. They didn't respond. "Please, don't kill me." She begged. They still didn't respond. She couldn't shove them off or get away, they'd tied her up. She screamed as they neared the edge of the boat. They were going to throw her over. "I didn't see anything!" She shouted at them. But they wouldn't listen. They tossed her over the edge like trash.

Jasmine thrashed about helplessly as she went down and down and down. Until she couldn't see the light anymore. Until she hit bottom. She was barely alive when she hit the ocean floor. The weight of the cold water crushing her. She had given up her efforts to escape hours before. She was going to die down here. Alone. In the cold and the dark.

Two Days Later:

"Anything?" Lestrade asked Donovan as she walked in. "We've got her name and that's it." She stated angrily, slamming a file on his desk. "Have you called him?" Lestrade asked. "We don't need his help." Donovan insisted. "Clearly we do." Lestrade replied. "He makes us look like fools."

"Call him." Lestrade said.

Donovan shook her head and walked out. "Call in the freak!" She shouted as she left.

Emily's p.o.v:

Meet me at 221 B Baker Street.

I stared down at my phone. This was probably the first time Sherlock had texted me since I'd given him my number. It was only as a friend kind of thing, he saved my life, I could help him and John out when they needed it.


Just meet me.

I shrugged and decided to get dressed and go. I pulled on a baggy red sweater, some black jeans and a pair of black, high top Converse. Thank God they have them here too. I grabbed my messenger bag and bounced out the door. I hailed a cab and got a ride to Sherlock and John's flat.

I knocked on the door, of course, Mrs. Hudson opened it. "Hello, Emily." She said. "Hello, I'm here to see Sherlock. He asked for me." I said, waving my phone in front of her. "Come on in." Mrs. Hudson told me, stepping aside. I walked in, bouncing on my feet. I had no idea why I was so excited to see Sherlock. He was just a friend. "Sherlock!" Mrs. Hudson called up the stairs. "Emily is here!" The door of the flat burst open. "Send her up, Mrs. Hudson." Sherlock said, closing the door after him.

"Go on up, dearie." Mrs. Hudson told me, waving me up. I smiled and said, "Thank you." And I walked up the stairs. I opened the door of the flat and stepped through. "Emily." Sherlock said from the couch. His hands were together like he was praying. "What're you doing?" I asked, sitting down. "Thinking."

"Where's John?" I asked, looking around.

"Out." Sherlock stated. "What d'you need?" I asked. "I need you to call Lestrade." Sherlock said, glancing over at me. "You asked me to come all the way over here just for you to ask me to call Lestrade?" I asked incredulously. "Yes." Sherlock nodded. I laughed, but picked up his phone anyways and dialed the number.

It rang a couple of times before Lestrade answered it.

"Sherlock?" He asked.

"No, sorry. I'm calling for Sherlock, though. It's Emily Reynolds." I replied.
"Why couldn't he call himself?" Lestrade asked.

"Because he's Sherlock." I stated with a laugh.

"Well, I need him over here. Tell him I've got a case for him." Lestrade said.
"Aye, aye, captain." I joked, shutting the phone.

"Get your coat, Sherlock. Lestrade has a case for you." I told him, standing up. Sherlock shot up. "Finally." He stated, pulling on his coat and tying his scarf around his throat. "Are you coming?" He asked me, stepping back through the door. "Of course I am. I wouldn't miss this for the world." I blurted suddenly. I blushed and Sherlock stared. This only made me blush more.

We sat in the cab. I looked over at Sherlock. He was staring at me. "Are you reading me?" I asked. "Trying." Sherlock muttered. "Tell me what you know." I said. Sherlock didn't reply. "Come on. You can read everyone like an open book, so read me." I stated. I could almost see the light bulb go on above Sherlock's head.

"You have....four brothers. The oldest of them all. Your mother died when you were....three or four, going by the picture on the dresser." Sherlock stated. "And?" I asked. "How long have you known Mrs. Hudson? I'm guessing since you were seven or eight." Sherlock said. "Is that it?" I asked eagerly. "That's all I've got." Sherlock said.

"Not much, is it?" I stated as we pulled up by the station. Sherlock gave me a small glare as we got out. We walked up to Lestrade, who was standing outside the station.

"Who's the victim?" Sherlock asked.

"Jasmine Waverley."


That's Emily Reynolds in the picture, played by Billie Piper.

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