Chapter Two

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I shook my head, "What an ass." I muttered. The man named John looked at me. "Do you know him?" He asked. "I just met him." I sighed. "And he seems like a complete dick." John gave a small laugh. "He wants me to be his flatmate." He said. "He was following me." I stated. "Really? That's odd." John stated, walking out of the lab with me. "I agree. Apparently he's some big consulting detective. Only one on the world." I said, waving my hands around in an exaggerated way. John laughed.

We walked outside and went our separate ways. I heard footsteps behind me and glanced backwards. Sherlock was following me...again.

"What do you want, Sherlock?" I shouted back at him. "What do you mean?" He shouted. "You're following me again, why?" I asked, walking backwards now. "No reason. Thought I'd walk you home." He shrugged. A lie. I was positive. Sherlock jogged towards me, I turned a around and walked normally. Sherlock came up beside me. "Why would you want to walk me home? I'm not important." I stated, glaring up at him.

"Who said you weren't?" He asked, looking down at me. "Oh, I don't know, your attitude. The way you walk. The way you talk, even. You act like your better than everyone." I laughed. "Well, I am. It's not everyday you meet a genius." Sherlock stated incredulously. I laughed. "You're useless, Sherlock Holmes. Completely and utterly useless."
He started at me in shock. "I-I...." He stammered. "Aw....poor Sherly got shut up by a girl." I laughed, walking on.

Sherlock stood there, silent.

"Don't call me Sherly!" He finally shouted.

"Is that all you can say, Sherly?"

Third Person:

John took the door knocker in his shaky hand and knocked three times, just as Sherlock hopped out of a cab. "John." He muttered quietly.

"Mr. Holmes." John replied.

"Please call me Sherlock." He stated.

Mrs. Hudson opened the door. "Sherlock." She said happily, reaching out to hug Sherlock. Sherlock gave her a small hug. "This is John. We're looking at the flat together." He said. Since when has Sherlock been so quiet. "Come in, come in." Mrs. Hudson said, waving them in. The clambered up the stairs and through the door of the flat. "Oh this could be nice, this could be very nice indeed." John said.

"I agree." Sherlock said quietly. "That's why I've already moved in." John looked at him. "Oh, I can straighten it up a bit." Sherlock said, putting some papers in bin and stabbing another on the mantle with a knife. "There's a skull." John said, pointing at the skull on the corner of the mantle. "A friend. When I say friend...." Sherlock trailed, looking down. John nodded.

"These suicides, Sherlock," Mrs. Hudson said, coming in with a newspaper in her hands. "I thought they'd be right up your alley. Three of them-" "Four. There's been a fourth." Sherlock said, peeking through the curtains. "And this one is different."

Detective Inspector Lestrade bounced through the door. "There's been a fourth, but this one's different, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't different." Sherlock told him. "You know how they never leave notes?" Lestrade asked. "Yes." Sherlock nodded. "Well this one did." Lestrade stated. Sherlock grinned as Lestrade left.

Once he was gone, Sherlock jumped up. "Brilliant!" He shouted. "Four suicides and now a note!" Sherlock shouted, rifling through some papers. "It's Christmas!" He slipped on his coat and tied his scarf around his neck. "Get yourself some tea, John. Make yourself at home." Sherlock told John, who was sitting in one of the chairs. Sherlock almost ran out the door.


So, I hope you are enjoying this. This is going to be different from the show, just so you know. There are going to be some aspects that are the same. Like I said, I hope you are enjoying this.

Over and out,

Madeline Holmes

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