Chapter 10

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Alpha Zachery's P.O.V

i stared at her in shock I can't believe her father how can her force his own daughter to fall in love with another Alpha because he slept with the stupid Luna...that doesn't make sense

"Wait why did you have to pay?"I asked getting angrier by the minute

She sighed and answered me"Because thay Luna was my mother, she was a mermaid but had an Alpha mate like me, since she slept with my father and had an Alpha mate I grew up quite quickly, I still aged every year, but twice a year not once so by the time I was supposed to be 8 I was 16, when I was 6 supposed to be 3 the Alpha found out about me and said that he wants me, since I'm growing so fast and stuff and then when I waa 18 he was going to take me but I found you and got the twins and then everythinf got even more complicated because they had to be split and I was forced to go to the Alpha and then it just happened, I came here"

"Okay so the Alpha died when Zack was 15, what happened to the Luna?" I asked and started looking around everyone was listening in on our conversation, but I didn't care I neede answers and I need them now

"While I was running away with Zack a pack of rogues leaded by Richard attacked me..."she stared at the ground and then back up at me"The Luna, Gloria, was going for a run in wolf form and then she saved us, by risking herself. Richard got badly ingerred, while the rest waa killed, he ran away that day and I haven't seen him since."

"Okay so wait, so the same thing happened to her thay happened to you. Like since you mated with a werewolf you can shift and is immortal and don't age and stuff"

"Yes, she was a mermaid like me and mated with a werewolf and then she shifted." I just nodded my head trying to procesa the information, I've calmed dowb a bit, but it still wasn't enough

"But why did you stay here when the Alpha died?" She stared at me with a blank expression before answering"because of Zack, when the Alpha died Zack became Alpha he was only 15 I had to help him here at least until he shifted, but on the day of the shift he found Zaira and now they shifted into their mermaid forms and everything is so messed up at the moment, like your probably never going to forgive me since it was like 16 years and I really tried coming to you, but then he would just beat me up and throw me in the basement without food until Zack convinces him"she Said and started crying I walked over to her and started to calm her down

"Angie, it's fine. Yes I'm mad and yes I understand, but of course I will forgive you your my mate and I love you even though I thought you were dead and almost killed myself, but I will forgive you, you had no choice you were forced to do what you did and I still and will always love you no matter what and I'm just glad your not dead and that I have you back..." she stopped crying and stared into my eyes with her beautiful green eyes, the eyes I've missed so much in the last 16 years. Yeah I know she messed up and stuff but she had her reason and yeah I forgave her in like 10 seconds, but she'sy mate and the mother of my CHILDREN... we stood in that potition for quite a while until I heard someone gasp and yell

"Zaira" "Zack"

Zack's P.O.V

(A/N: this is when he and Zaira just passed out)

I stared at my sister sitting figure in front of me how did ahe get here, i was all alone and now I'm here with Zaira.

"Zaira, what are you doing here"
She stared at me and when ahe saw who it was relief was all over her face

"Zack, that goodness I thought I was all alone."she said and looked around at the area that's just white yeah were in like a white place everywhere white."Zack where are we?"

"I don't know. What happened? Why are you here?"

"You blacked out and then suddenly I just blacked out" I nodded my head and just stared at her for a long long while...After about who knows how long I felt a piercing pain in my chest it felt like I was dying I looked over at Zaira and saw her in the same pain as I was and then suddenly a big mermaid and merman appeared in front of us

"Hello, I'm Neptune and this is my wife Nikita, we are here because of the curse" we stared at him and i felt the pain ease a little, I nodded my head and he continued"the pain you just felt is your powers going inside you, you have already unlocked one without my help and that was future and past vision, but only ones of the past has been seen, the reat of your powers will come in this month and you will be able to master them quickly. I advice you to use them for good since I can take them away once they are all mastered and released, so be careful."

"How long have we been blacked out"Zaira asked soflty

"Almost 3 days, you need to return now. Your mates think your dying and your father and mother found each other. We will leave you now"Nikita spoke with so much pride and power in her voice just like Neptune and then they just dissapeard. I stared at Zaira and saw her face was pale...

"Zaira, what's wrong"

"He said 'mates' that means Luke is with me. I can't face him what do I say about the kid...oh wait you don't know about the kid"

"Actually I do when you got that vision I saw it and then I blacked out and ended up..."I couldn't finish my sentence, because my eyea flew open revealing a spare room and in the background I heard faint gasps and then Zaira and my name being called... I stared at Zaira and saw her also a bit confused but it was gone, because when I turned around I saw my gorgeous mate...

##Richard's P.O.V##

"Its been 16 years, 16 years I tell you and you are saying that we will find them, we will not they just turned 16 do you know what that means"I yelled at the useless idiot in front of me.

""he stuttered

"It means that the are going to shift in their wolfs and then their stupid mermaid forms and get their powers"

"But the boy is dead sir"

"NOO HE IS NOT DEAD"I yelled"you know how I know that" he shook his head and stared at me in pure horror

"Because when sweet and innocent Zaira shifted she had a paw on her butt do you know what that means?"he shook his head again"It the symbol stating that they are linked he probably has one to, if he was dead Zaira would be to, if one dies the other will die in a matter of 3 years max, so aince she is still alive he is still alive and since she has a paw mark that also confirms he is alive"

" all offf thissss"he stuttered still in pure horror

"Because when I was dating her mother I saw the book that has the curse details and crap inside and I saw only one page and it was the page with the link thing on, like it also said that if they unlock all their powers the can connect and disconnect the linking thing, the link can also cause them to feel each other emotions, read their thought etc.stuff like that, that was all I could read"

"Ummm okayy...sir if I may ask why did you call me in here"

"Because your my Beta and I need you to know all the information I have and I want you to find the boy, so we can attack I have all my plans layed out perfectly....all we need to do is attack, get the twins, extract their powers and then rule the world."

"Umm sir shouldn't we wait until all the powers are unlocked"

"Of course you dumb nut... you're dismissed"he stared at me for a while until i yelled"GO IDIOT GO"and he scurried away like a scared mouse...

All I need to do is get those two and the world will be under my command..


Sorry for all the P.O.V






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