I opened my eyes again and my palms had healed. I nodded at my work and went back to looking out the window. Madrid made a turn and we veered off the main road, driving back into the woods.

The scent was familiar yet strange, same scent of trees and grass and dirt, but different scent of inhabitance, these wolves smelled different, almost foreign, a bad kind of foreign. I twitched my nose and Jasper sneezed. Marie offered him a tissue but he politely declined.

"Alpha, what's that smell?" I asked, my nose twitched again, I hoped I wouldn't sneeze.

"It's them, their pack."

"Their pack smells like..."

"Finish the sentence pup and I'll personally leave you on the side of the road stark naked in the middle of the night." Madrid warned from the front. I held back a chuckle and Marie placed a hand on his arm. Jasper shut his mouth and I gave him that familiar smirk.

He stuck his tongue out at me and I bit my own to keep from laughing. What was he five?

I leaned back in my seat and the car slowly pulled to a stop. My eyes were weary with caution as I peered out the window. It was dark and the trees cast jet black shadows over the silvery-lust of the moonlight. I looked around and the car fell silent.

The silence was broken by the sound of an engine, multiple engines. I looked around and out of the darkness appeared two large black SUVs and following the cars was two bikes ridden by people dressed in fully black with their heads under black helmets with their visors down. One of the people on the bikes rolled up to the window.

"State your business in our land, Ivy Eclipse wolves." He commanded.

I clenched my fists; no one talks to my Alpha that way! But Madrid didn't seem to mind his rude behavior; he pulled out his phone and showed it to the guys. He scanned the phone and nodded, signaling with his hand. The black SUVs tailed us in the back and one in the front while the two people on the bikes drove side-by-side of the car.

We started off deeper into the woods guided by the people I could only assume were pack members, after a deep whiff my suspicions were confirmed, they were bathed in that strange scent.

I focused on the scent of my own pack, of Marie, Madrid, and Jasper. I wanted the scent of fresh water from our pond, oak from our common trees; and the smell of wild honey from our pack members.

By the time I checked the clock again, it was 8:15, and we had just pulled onto a road when the tress became scares, the road became paved and the cars took us into the canter of their pack land. I looked out the window and couldn't help but stare.

Our central lands was like a rural town compared to this, there were hundreds of homes, building of all traits, and countless people walked along the side of the road, with others, eating food, running, some even in wolf form. Many drew up their heads as the entourage passed by, most likely due to the unfamiliar scent but didn't make any hostile movement.

We followed the SUV through the town and up a long driveway where a huge white mansion sat atop a hill. A manicured lawn adorned the front, massive columns guarded the doors, and a fountain decorated the front much more nicely than our Alpha's house.

The cars pulled up to the house and the bikes drove passed. The people from the cars stepped out to reveal large middle-aged men all wearing formal button down shirts and dress pant, but there was no hiding the extreme definition in their muscles of the heavy scent of power they carried; Warriors of the Midnight Lake pack.

They came around and offered their assistance to us as we stepped out of the car; I refused the man's hand and held my tongue as his eyes raked up and down my dress. My scent marked me as unmated and that was a beacon for all wolves, one I hated very much. I put on a regal face and fell in stride with my Alpha, Luna, and Beta.

Unbroken, Betrayed, and ChosenWhere stories live. Discover now