HOME (lengthening chapter title)

Start from the beginning

Today marks the first day my life started, and it marks another year I get to celebrate it every day.

I love you, and Happy Birthday,


 I close my eyes to stop the tears, Aiden walking toward me, wrapping his arms around me.

“I found this this morning when I came here. I wanted to find something else other than what I got you.”

“What else did you get me?”

He shrugs. “Play.”

I stare at the fall, pull it up. The keys feel abandoned, unused and neglected. I frown as I press one of the keys, D major, then E minor. But somehow they sound so perfect, so in tune, it doesn’t make sense. I barely remember how to play, but there is one song I can remember.

I sit on the bench in front of the piano, start playing with my right hand. I’m starting to regret slitting my wrist, fingers unable to function enough to play. As I play, I hear Aiden’s footsteps coming closer, his hands gripping my shoulders as his body leans over me. At first my heart pounds, but it stops after a moment, after I realize that Aiden isn’t going to do anything to me.

“I’ll be your left hand,” he whispers as he sits next to me, starts playing the same notes my half functioning hand is supposed to be playing. I close my eyes, the song flowing through my head…

Then I realize what we’re playing. It’s a love song, a pretty popular one. Aiden and I figured out how to play it on the piano when I was in high school. I want to stop, but my fingers keep going with him until the first chorus is over. I pull my hand away, rest it at my side. Aiden stops.

“What’s wrong?” he asks. I stare at the keys before I look around the room, toward the shelves filled with my mother’s sheet music, toward the loveseat I used to sit in when she’d play for me, toward the windows, the doors…

I’m starting to realize something, something that’s pretty obvious and something I’ve said before, but I don’t think he quite gets it. I think what Jeremy did to me took over what I told him when he kissed me, after I slept with him, those three words that meant shit to me before then, before now.

“Damn it,” I say.

His eyes penetrate me. “What?”

“This is just bull. I mean, I want to hate you right now. I can’t stand you, Aiden. I really can’t. I mean, you tell me to screw off, and then you do this shit. And you always do something that makes it impossible for me to keep despising you, to stay angry or to throw things or to hit you. You make it so impossible, and I don’t get why you won’t just let me…” I trail off, stare at the keys again, “You always make me realize that maybe I really was supposed to fall for you, and that nothing could possibly split us apart… Problem is I’ve always found that sort of thing to be bullshit, and I just want to keep thinking that.”

He snickers. “Well, I don’t think it’s bullshit. In fact, I know it’s not.”

“And how could you possibly be so sure?”

“Just am.”

I challenge his eyes. They’re being sincere, as if he really did this because he loves me and not for forgiveness.

“When did you fix the piano?” I ask as I pull down the fall. He sighs.

“About a month ago, I decided to do it. I knew you’d appreciate it more than a bought gift.”

I laugh. “Yeah, I do.”

I would tell him I love him, but those words don’t seem right anymore. They’ve lost their meaning now, lost within gestures and better words to say.

“Aiden?” I ask finally, leaning toward him as he turns toward me.


I press my lips to his, my heart beating at my chest. It takes a long moment for him to kiss me back, and I wrap my arms around him, holding tightly as if I were begging him to stay.

He already said he would, so I have nothing to worry about.

His hands don’t want to touch me. I can tell because he doesn’t move, his body suck frozen in place. But I still start to feel awkward, hands tracing up and down my spine, in between my legs. I ignore it, remember where I am, who I’m with. They go away. That’s all it took.

He pulls away from me, kisses my forehead. I smile at him.

“Just so you know,” he says, “I really do love you… I may have acted like a douchebag before, but I mean…” he hesitates for a moment, looks at me as I wait for him to continue. “I didn’t mean it.”

I nod. “I’m sorry I hit you,” I say, “Twice… and shoved you.”

“Don’t apologize for that. I told you I deserved it…” he stops, pulls the fall back up. “You want me to play you anything?” 

“Are you going to sing for me?”


I shrug. “Whatever, then.”

I stand up, walk toward the loveseat as he starts playing the same song we were playing earlier. The lyrics that are supposed to go with it fill my head, words that I could say to him right now. Then I slowly start to close my eyes, and song starts to fade with me.


So, i can't change the chapter title because it's too perfect... So I'm not...

The video is the song that they're playing... Yep... it's that one :D i really love it (I don't know why... Tears Don't Fall seems like it'd be more appealing to me XD) but yeah, David Sides did a piano cover of this song... and I loved it so... :)

But yeah...  comment and vote please <3

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