"Dammit Sean! Do something at least!" Mark yelled as he slammed his hand on the desk. I rolled my eyes, "I am doing something, I'm keeping Sam safe. That's all I'm worried about right now, is Sam." "Alright Love, I understand that you'd rather keep Sam safe, but doing this?! Sean, he's beating you up! He's abusing you! What the fuck is next after he's done using you as a punching bag?!" I gulped, thinking of the worst. "Whatever it is, it wouldn't be with Sam." 

"What about you?! What if he tries something with you?! And I can't help you, we are miles and miles away from each other now. I can't save you... I can't..." "Maybe I don't need saving..." I snarled, regretting what I said right after. "Well maybe I just want to fucking save you from that fucking hell, because ya know? You're my fucking boyfriend and I want you here with me, safe and happy." "You can't save me from everything Mark! You can't prevent all world's problems! I've dealt with this for six years of my life! I know what ropes to play on." 

"You want to add another fucking year to it?! Because that's how long it's going to take until you can legally move away. Six fucking years Jack! Jesus Christ, try to actually care! Try to understand I fucking care!" "First off, I do have fucking respect for my body! I never said I enjoyed being beat up every fucking day! Jesus Mark! Stop acting like i'm some fucking helpless little kid! I'm seventeen, I know how to take care of myself." "How long will it be til I see you again?" "I... I don't know... I don't, okay? Maybe you're right, maybe a year, maybe two! I don't know, when my Ma wakes up, if she wakes up... I don't know..." 

There was some minutes of silence before Mark finally spoke up, "I.. - I never wanted you to leave... I want you back, Jack... I need you back... You mean so much to me... And I don't know what you're doing up there..." I was going to respond, but I caught on when he said he doesn't know what I'm doing in here. 

"The fuck you mean by that? That you don't know what I'm doing over here? What? You think I'm going to fuck somebody else? You think I'm fucking Aaron?! You think I actually have the fucking sense to go out with someone else?! Especially with the situation I have right now?!" "I wasn't saying that Jack, I just want you back, I don't want to lose you!" "Lose me? Lose me to what? My dad? Because that's what you seem to fucking think, that once he's done punching the shit out of me he'll use me for sexual interactions! Mark, do you even have a clue what he's going to fucking do when he figures out I'm gay. And my boyfriend is all the way in America?! No, you don't because you're only thinking about yourself right now! You don't want the same shit that happened between you and Aaron to happen between me and you! I know you are sensitive when it comes to trust with relationships, but fucking come on Mark!" 

Mark froze, a look of anger on his face. "I don't fucking think any of that, Sean! Why the hell would I think that?! I'm not trying to be selfish, I just want you safe and happy! Is that so much to ask for? Sean you need to fucking tell someone about the shit he's doing to you if you don't want it to happen. Honestly. What is going to happen when he does find out you're gay?! Beat the living shit out of you like he's done plenty of times before?! What the fuck is going to happen next Sean? What's going to happen you do come back? And why the hell did you have to bring up Aaron? Yes, he's the cause for my trust issues during fucking relationships but that doesn't fucking mean I compare him to every fucking body I see and or have a strong relationship with! So stop that shit! I fucking care about you! I give a shit if you live or if you die! I worry constantly if you're okay! So don't say I'm only doing this for my selfish needs, because it's not fucking like that Sean! It's not." 

I was silent, trying to calm myself down before saying anything else stupid. Mark sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair once again. "Just... Just call me if anything... Alright?" I nodded my head, not trusting my voice at the moment. "Relax for a little while, stay away from your Dad... And please eat something..." he said, his voice rather sore at the moment. "Alright..." I agreed, he nodded giving a small smile. "Alright, I have to go, bye Sean." I sighed, nodding "Bye Mark..." he ended the call and I immediately fell backwards. Tears falling from my eyes.

"What did I just do...?" 

A/N: Yep :P If yah hate me right now, stay in tuned for tomorrow! Well, hopefully, I want to get a chapter out tomorrow as well as for today. (Even though it's 12am) But I still have homework and shit. But most likely I am going to update because I can't wait to see the most wonderful and loving comments in the comment section down below. 

With that being said, feel free to say anything you desire. And no, I forgot the person who asked, but you cannot appear in the end of the book and cut Jack's Dad's balls off. XD 

Sorry for the feels.

Sorry for the next chapter. 

And the one after that. 

Get ready your pitchforks and your amazing comments. 

~Leah Out 

Foreign Touch (Septiplier AU)Where stories live. Discover now