chapter 10

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When school was over, Tyty was looking for Pop but couldn't find him. Pop was still in class talking to his Algebra two teacher about the homework he just received. "I don't get it," said Pop." I will go over it in class tomorrow, now will you please go home," said Mr. Mongol. "Alright i will go bye, Mr. Mongol," said Pop. Tyty went around the whole school to find Pop until he ran into him and they both fell on to the floor. "Hey babe I was looking for you" said Tyty. "You were looking for me?" said Pop questionably. "Yeah I was ready to go home and we usually wait at our spot but when I waited there, you were not there so I got worried and went to go look for you," said Tyty. "Aww you are a great boyfriend," said Pop." I know but can we please go home," said Tyty pleasingly. "Yeah we can come on before my mom gets worried about us," said Pop. They both got in the car and went home. When they got home, Tyty put his backpack in their room and started on his homework."Hey guys how are you?" asked Samantha. "We are fine mom I am just gonna start my homework," said Pop."Alright I will tell you when dinner is ready," said Samantha. Pop started homework when Tyty came over to him and told him he needs help with his homework. "Babe I will help you with your homework when I am finished with mine," said Pop. Tyty started his other homework when he heard a book slam to the ground. He rushed out to see Pop crying on the couch with his math book on the floor." Hey babe what's wrong?" asked Tyty." Mr.Mongol did not explain clearly how to do his math homework so I got frustrated and threw the textbook on the floor" said Pop through sniffles."Hey come here" said Tyty now sitting on the couch with Pop motioning him with his arms wide open. Pop took the hug from Tyty and cried in his arms." Shh it is going to be ok you will get through this" said Tyty calmly. Pop felt much better in his arms and calm down enough where Tyty only heard sniffles come from Pop."Let's take a break and go do homework later doesn't that sound like a good idea" said Tyty. "Yeah ok let's do that"said Pop. They both pick up the homework and put it on the table then went to their room to cuddle and watch tv.

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