Chapter 25

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At the restaurant, the boys celebrated their engagement and could not be any happier. They both ate their food in silence. Pop had ordered chicken parmesan while Tyty had ordered tikka masala. They had ordered a chocolate cake for dessert. Pop paid for their meals, took the box of leftovers, and walked out of the restaurant hand in hand with Tyty. He opened the door to put the box of leftovers on the floor in the backseat of the car. He pushed Tyty against the car to make out with him. Tyty got all hot and sweaty so he pulled away. Pop saw that his face was flushed so he opened the passenger door to let him in and he walked over to get into the driver's side to drive them home. Tyty couldn't stop looking at the ring on his hand and smiled to himself. "How did I get so lucky to be with you?" asked Tyty. "I ask myself that question every day. I am always thinking that this could all be a dream but then I pinch myself and remind myself that this is all real," said Pop leaning over to kiss him on the cheek when he pulled onto their street.  He pulled into the driveway and parked the car. He leaned over and kissed him while his right hand caressed his cheek. Tyty melted into the kiss and brought his hand down to massage him over his pants. Pop had moaned and stopped him. "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable," said Pop seductively. "I could not agree with you more," said Tyty opening up the door. Pop got out of the car quickly to open up his fiance's door. He grabbed the box of leftovers from the backseat and walked inside the house. He put the leftovers in the fridge and walked into the bedroom. "Hey guys," said Samantha. "Hey Mom, how is everything?" asked Tyty. "I would ask you the same thing, but I can see by the smile on your face that something has caught your attention," said Samantha. "Today was the best day that I would never have imagined. Pop finally popped the question," said Tyty smiling. Samantha looked at the ring and was surprised. "How much did the ring cost?" asked Samantha. Pop walked out of the bedroom to answer that question. "You spent that much on this ring?!?" said Samantha shocked. "I had saved up a lot of money from my previous job before school got too busy to buy him that ring. I saw him admiring that ring the day we went to the jewelry store," said Pop. "When he wasn't looking I had asked the jeweler how much the ring was and I kept the price in my phone so I could save up and buy the ring for him," continued Pop. "I hope that you guys know what you are getting yourselves into. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and you guys will have to stay together through the hard times because divorce is expensive," said Samantha. "We know Mom, but I am very confident that I want to marry Pop and I want him in my life forever. I may be young but I know what I want and IF Pop is not in my life forever then I don't know what I will," said Tyty. "I understand your concern Samantha, but I want to marry your son, and when I am in a relationship with someone I love and care about deeply I put my all in it," said Pop. Samantha was surprised to hear what the boys had to say to her. She knew that her son was very much in love with his man and no one would make him change his mind. "I am very happy for you guys, does your family know about this engagement?" asked Samantha. "I did send the picture to my mom once I gave Tyty the ring. She FaceTime me immediately and congratulated us. She was so happy for us and I have never seen a smile so big on her face before," said Pop. "Awe that is so sweet to hear. Do you guys have an idea of when you want to get married?" asked Samantha. "It might be in a year or two on when the date will be set for the wedding. I just want to enjoy this moment with my fiance," said Pop. "I couldn't agree with him more, Mom. I want to take time to soak up this moment," said Tyty. Samantha is happy that her son found someone who will make him happy and will stick by his side. "I am gonna head to bed, goodnight you two," said Samantha. "Good night Mom," said Tyty. The boys head to the bedroom for the rest of the night.

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