Chapter 23

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During the night, Tyty kept turning and tossing. His dream was about the future with Pop then turned into a nightmare once Bubbles entered the dream. She was taking Pop away from him, leaving him no choice but to defend himself. "You know that Pop never loved you. He had always loved me. Your relationship with him was a lie. He was never gay," screamed out Bubbles. "Pop had always loved me and our relationship means everything to him,' screamed out Tyty. "Come on Pop, please don't leave me. I need you in my life and I can't lose you. You mean the absolute world to me," said Tyty. Pop was not listening to him. He was in a trance about what Bubbles was saying to him. Tyty kept screaming and crying. Pop woke up and saw what was happening to Tyty. He leaned over and kissed his cheek. Tyty was still having the nightmare. Pop shook him awake and Tyty woke up to cry in his arms. "Ssh... it is okay. It was just a dream not real. I am here for you and she will never come in between us. I won't allow it," said Pop trying to soothe Tyty while he was crying in his shirt. "It felt so real like she wanted you all to herself and you would not listen to me. No matter what I said, it was like my words would go in one ear and out the other. It was like you were in a trance from whatever she was telling you," said Tyty between sniffles. "I am sorry that you were having that dream. Just know that will never happen, it will be me and you against this world. She will NEVER come in between us," said Pop looking into Tyty's eyes. "Thank you for waking me up. I thought I would be stuck in that nightmare forever. Like seriously it felt really real," said Tyty. "You have my heart and I have yours. Unless you want me to give yours back, then I have it for life. I will be careful with your heart and never will break it. Understand me?" said Pop sternly. "I understand sir and I will do the same for you," said Tyty. They hugged and kissed each other before they both lay down. They both went back to sleep snuggled against each other. Next Morning, Pop woke up to see that Bubbles had texted him wanting to talk. He ignored her text and went to get breakfast started. Tyty woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon so he got up to walk into the kitchen. "Good morning babe, how did you sleep?" asked Pop. "I slept better after that nightmare last night," said Tyty. "I am glad to hear that, come sit down for breakfast," said Pop patting down on the seat next to him. Tyty sat down and looked at his plate sadly. "What is wrong? Do you not like your food?" asked Pop. "She texted you didn't she?" asked Tyty.  "Don't worry about it just eat before your food gets cold," said Pop changing the subject. Tyty stared at him not touching his food. "Why are you concerned about Bubbles texting you?" asked Pop. "Why do you have her number in your phone? I thought you didn't like her," said Tyty. "I don't like her, I only love you but I am not sure how she got my number," said Pop. Tyty got up from the table and went to grab Pop's phone. He went through his phone to see all the texts between Pop and Bubbles. "You guys have been talking for a while," said Tyty. Pop looked at Tyty with a shocked expression. "I am sorry that I didn't tell you about this earlier," said Pop trying to apologize. "We have been in a relationship for a year now and all this time you have been texting your ex," said Tyty raising his voice a little. "I know this looks bad but can you lower your voice so you don't wake up your mom," said Pop trying to calm him down. "I want to know why you keep changing the subject," said Tyty angrily. Pop did not say anything and kept on eating his food. "If you won't tell me then I want you to pack all of your things and leave here," said Tyty. "Wait!?! Please don't do this to us. I am sorry for texting my ex. I should not have let her in our life," said Pop begging for Tyty to change his mind. "I knew that you still have feelings for her and you still want her in your life," said Tyty with tears welling up in his eyes. Pop looked up at Tyty and his heart broke. "Babe, I don't mean to upset you and I will block her number and she will not be a problem anymore. You know that I love you so much and I don't want to lose you," said Pop with tears streaming down his face. Tyty looked up at him and set the phone down to kiss him. Pop was shocked and returned the kiss. The kiss stopped and Pop took the phone to block Bubble's number. Tyty was happy and wiped his tears to eat his food. Samantha came out to see that the boys were eating. She saw Tyty's face was all red and asked what happened. The boys explained to her what had happened and she was a little upset at Pop but was glad that the situation was fixed. 

Pop and Tyty for life What will Bubbles do next to ruin Pop?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora