Chapter 19

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At the house, Samantha asked Tyty what was going on with him. "I am sorry Mom that you had to pick us up from school but I had a panic attack in my math class after Jaimie had said something that set me off," said Tyty upset. "How did Jaimie make you have a panic attack?" asked Samantha. "He told me that Pop would think I was cheating on him when he saw me holding hands with him," said Tyty with tears in his eyes. "Was this the same Jaimie that tried to get with you last year?" asked Samantha. "Yes Mom, that is the same guy and we have the same math class," said Tyty crying his eyes out. "Awe pumpkin it is okay you are home now. That boy will not hurt you again," said Samantha trying to hug him but he was not having it. "Alright, I will leave you guys alone. Please Pop let me know if anything gets worse with these panic attacks. I know it has happened before," said Samantha. "How long ago was the last panic attack he had when it got bad?" asked Pop. "It was two years ago before you guys had met and he ended up in the hospital and almost stayed there for half a year. I can't have him in there again. It broke my heart to see him in that much pain. I am glad that he has you in his life. Before you he was in the darkness and would not smile as much as he did when he was a kid," said Samantha. When Pop heard how bad these panic attacks can get for Tyty broke his heart. He could not handle seeing his love in the hospital with wires all around him. "Come on babe, let's go in the room and we can watch any show that you want," said Pop. They both got up from the couch and went into their room to lie down. "D-daddy, can you hold me and cuddle with me while we watch TV?" asked Tyty. "Of course, baby. Is my baby feeling little today?" asked Pop. Tyty nodded his head and curled into his body. "No, no baby, don't hide away that pretty little face of yours. I want to see you happy and no more tears," said Pop. "S-sorry dada, it has been too much today," said Tyty. "I know today has been hard and you do not need to apologize for your feelings. You had every right to feel little. Whenever you are little you need to tell me," said Pop sternly. Tyty nodded his head but Pop grabbed his face and said, "I want to hear your voice baby. Can you speak for Papa?" "Yes, dada I will let you know whenever I feel little," spoke Tyty in a baby voice. "Awe, you are so cute when you speak in that voice and you did so well for your daddy," said Pop before he kissed Tyty on the lips. Tyty melted into the kiss and grabbed onto Pop's shirt trying to pull him up onto the bed. "Alright, baby I am coming up but I was trying to put your show on," said Pop. Tyty kept ahold of his shirt and kissed him hard. Pop stops the kiss to breathe and turns Tyty over to cuddle him. Tyty started to whine and Pop shushed him by kissing him again. He stopped whining and cuddled into Pop more. They both fell into a comfortable silence while the show was on. Pop looked over to see that Tyty was about to fall asleep so he paused the show. "Hey! Why did you pause the show?" questioned Tyty. "You were falling asleep so I paused it so you can sleep," said Pop. "I was not falling asleep," said Tyty with a yawn. "It's alright if you want to sleep, we can watch the show when you wake up," said Pop kissing his head. Tyty yawned a slid down the bed more so he went to sleep. Pop curled up with Tyty so can sleep as well. Two hours later, Tyty was whining in his sleep so Pop shook him awake. "Come on baby time to get up, you are sweating and whining," said Pop. Tyty woke up and cried into Pop's shirt. "Hey baby it's okay, nothing bad is going to happen to you. I am right here, I am not going to leave you," said Pop trying to comfort him. Tyty went down to sniffles and got up to take a shower. "Do you want me to come with you?" asked Pop. Tyty nodded his head and held his hand out for Pop to take it. Pop took his hand and they went to shower together. "Can you tell me what the dream was about?" asked Pop when he was drying his body. "I lost you and Jaimie took me away to never see you again," said Tyty with tears in his eyes. "Awe baby, you know that he can NEVER take you away from me. I will fight for you until my last breath. You are MINE and MINE only. No one will stand in our way. If you want we can request to have your class changed so you don't have to see him again," said Pop. "Yeah, that would be great but I like my teacher a lot," said Tyty. "Maybe we can request to have you and Jaimie switch periods so you can keep the same teacher," suggested Pop. "That would be great. I love that idea," said Tyty wiping his tears. Pop held his arms out for Tyty to climb into them and he picked him up to carry him to the bed. He gently laid him down on the bed and started to kiss his lips then trailed kisses down his chest to his genital area. 

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