9- She Always Knew

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Why was I feeling this way? I like Jessie. I know I like Jessie. I have since... Since Bea was gone, but she always seemed to be dating some guy. I had her now. She was my girlfriend. So why was I so mad?

I brought myself back to reality. Justin was cursing me out as he dust himself off. I looked around not seeing Jessie or Bea. "Where'd the girls go?" I asked.

"Well since you were being such an ass," he hissed, "they decided it was the perfect time for food."

"Cool, let's go get a table then," I said skating out of the rink Justin next to me.

"You like Bea?" I asked him. If I was going to do this, I'd be straight forward. Justin looked at me eyes widening, and propped a casual smile on my face.

"No offense man but, I don't think she's going to be ready for a relationship anytime soon. She was practically a loner for all of high school."

"Just asking, you seemed to be really enjoying holding her hand," I said my heart strangely beating at its normal pace again.

  "Yeah, about that. You said you were friends. She's attended this school for how long? Why'd you two depart?" Justin asked making hand gestures with hands when saying 'depart'.

  "Well, your brother was still around. We all know how he was when-"

"No need to go further. My brother is the ass of all asses," he said sitting down on one of the chairs settled up by a table for four.

  Chase was in one word: demanding. When he attended the school he was known for telling everyone what to do, and it didn't help that he was the football captain.

  He was the reason why I left Bea. Justin and his brother had a very difficult relationship. Justin never talked about it since Chase left for college.

  "There you are," Jessie said smiling as she sat next to me, and Bea was next to her, her eyes staring at the floor.

  "Bea, you alright?" I asked curiously.

  "I'm fine," she took a seat next to Justin.

  "I have a question!" Justin yelled in the middle of everyone eating.

  "What?" Jessie and I both said in unison.

  "Who wants to laser tag?"

We all agreed that we would laser tag after we finished eating.

"You're all going down!" Justin said as we all began to put on the vest to laser tag.

"This is so stupid," Jessica said looking at herself on her phone to see how she looked in the vest.

"You look beautiful Jessie," I said wrapping my arms behind her and kissing her on the cheek.

"There's something wrong," Justin said frowning.


"Where's Bea?"

I looked around and realized that Justin was right. "Wait a minute," I walked out the little room and saw Bea standing in front of one of the many games.

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